Forced prepay meter installations to be banned in homes of over-85s
Age shouldn't be a factor in this, neither should anything else.
The practice should be illegal. Full stop / Period.
#ForcedPrepaymentMeterInstallation #SmartMeter #PrepaymentMeter #MeterInstallation #BritishGas #Ofgem #EnergySupply #EndFuelPovertyCoalition #AgeConcern #AgeUK #Scope #CitizensAdviceBureau #CAB #CostOfLivingCrisis #EnergyCrisis #EnergyMastodon
#forcedprepaymentmeterinstallation #smartmeter #prepaymentmeter #meterinstallation #britishgas #ofgem #energysupply #endfuelpovertycoalition #ageconcern #ageuk #scope #citizensadvicebureau #cab #Costoflivingcrisis #energycrisis #energymastodon
Over-85s? It should be over-80s at the very least.
#energy #prepaymentmeter #elderly #uk
📢📰 @deankirby_ @theipaper keeping up the public pressure on the grotesque profits of energy companies and the need to compensate victims of the #prepayment meter scandal
➡️ £3.3bn @centricaplc profit could wipe out the estimated £1bn of debt held by #prepaymentmeter customers
Petition: The #Senedd should scrutinise the #PrepaymentMeter #scandal in #Wales
#Wales #scandal #prepaymentmeter #senedd
@endfuelpoverty Tangentially:
It's probably as close to nothing as could be done but it might put the brakes on the worst of it for a little while.
#UKPolitics #PrePaymentMeter #CostOfLivingCrisis #NeverVoteTory #EnoughIsEnough #PeopleNotProfit #TaxTheRich
#taxtherich #PeopleNotProfit #enoughisenough #NeverVoteTory #Costoflivingcrisis #prepaymentmeter #ukpolitics
3 things stand out re. the latest #prepaymentmeter scandal:
1. If court warrants were inappropriately granted, why is the focus on the companies (forcefully) installing meters rather than on the fact that the court system has failed?
2. How can it be right that the poorest in our society have paid an additional £200 for their energy than those without debt struggles? Surely we're just compounding the problem?
3. Why is any household considered *NOT* vulnerable without working gas/electric?
On the issue of #prepaymentmeter installation by force in the UK, Radio 4 had an #EnergyIndustry guy on just now, and he was asked if he thought it possible energy bosses didn't know companies were invading people's homes to install #prepaymeters.
Part of me hopes they knew, because otherwise they're not very good bosses.
The greater part of me hopes they didn't, because otherwise they're not very good people.
One might *almost* suspect that business is intrinsically immoral.
#prepaymentmeter #energyindustry #prepaymeters
RT @HelloCSE
Worrying figures show an estimated 3.2 million people in Britain ran out of credit on their #PrepaymentMeter in 2022, including those forced into using one.
#PPMs are more expensive than paying by direct debit and the gov needs to #BanForcedPPMs now👇
#prepaymentmeter #PPMS #banforcedppms
Forced prepayment meters keeping millions in the dark, Citizen's Advice Bureau warns
New research has found that prepayment meters are driving some of the most vulnerable people in society deeper into poverty
#cab #CitizensAdviceBureau #prepaymentmeter #fuelpoverty #CostOfSurvivingCrisis #disabled #chronicallyill #classwar #Ofgem
Citizens Advice reveal number of Britons who couldn’t afford electricity in 2022 | The Independent
People who should not be put on prepayment meters for health reasons being forced onto them
Citizens Advice bureau says it saw more people who were unable to top up their meter in 2022 than in the whole of the last 10 years combined
#CitizensAdviceBureau #cab #prepaymentmeter #energyprices #fuelpoverty #Ofgem #disabled #ChronicallySick #vulnerable #costoflivingcrisis
Citizens Advice reveal number of Britons who couldn’t afford electricity in 2022 | The Independent
People who should not be put on prepayment meters for health reasons being forced onto them
Citizens Advice bureau says it saw more people who were unable to top up their meter in 2022 than in the whole of the last 10 years combined
#CitizensAdviceBureau #cab #prepaymentmeter #energyprices #fuelpoverty #Ofgem #disabled #ChronicallySick #vulnerable
#EnergyCompany cuts off gas (no hot water, etc)
Company entered their home with knowledge or permission to put in a #prepaymentmeter.
#energycompany #CostOfLiving #prepaymentmeter
Energy companies forcibly entering their customers’ houses and then leaving them to freeze - this is next level dystopia
I’m sure Ovo Energy are indeed “very sorry” - that Channel 4 News has exposed their scummy practices. But how many more households have they left in the cold?
#prepaymentmeter #Costoflivingcrisis #ukpolitics