9 raças de cães mastiff mais poderosas! # shorts https://www.wacoca.com/pets/116634/
#9raçasdecãesmastiffmaispoderosas #Boerboel #bullmastiff #bullykutta #cachorro #cachorros #cães #cãesdeguardaeproteção #cãesderaça #cãespoderosos #candecorso #dog #doguedebordeaux #floridogbrasil #Inu #mastiffinglês #mastimnapolitano #mastimtibetano #PresaCanario #raçasdecachorros #raçasdecães #tosainu #ナポリタン・マスティフ
#ナポリタン・マスティフ #tosainu #racasdecaes #racasdecachorros #presacanario #mastimtibetano #mastimnapolitano #mastiffingles #inu #floridogbrasil #doguedebordeaux #dog #candecorso #caespoderosos #caesderaca #caesdeguardaeprotecao #caes #cachorros #cachorro #bullykutta #bullmastiff #Boerboel #9racasdecaesmastiffmaispoderosas
I can't move my feet, but they are toasty warm. I don't think a #presacanario is cheaper to run than central heating, but he is cuter.
Ah OK, we're doing #dogsofmastodon! Introducing my beauties, Billy the #presacanario and Holly the #borderterrier. Holly rules the roost, but Billy is the brains 🤣 Well, possibly he knows his own name.
#BorderTerrier #presacanario #dogsofmastodon