Global News BC: Free prescribed contraception begins in B.C. on April 1. Is your method covered? #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCmakesprescriptioncontraceptionfree #prescriptioncontraception #BCfreecontraception #freecontraceptionBC #Reproductivehealth #Contraception #Women'shealth #BChealthcare #Sexualhealth #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcmakesprescriptioncontraceptionfree #prescriptioncontraception #bcfreecontraception #freecontraceptionBC #reproductivehealth #Contraception #women #BChealthcare #Sexualhealth #health
Exciting #ReproductiveHealth news. Starting next month #PrescriptionContraception such as the pill, injections, IUDs, as well as Plan B, will be free for British Columbia residents. Condoms are not included in this and birth control is still not available over the counter. Nevertheless this is a huge achievement for campaigners and hopefully sees other provinces follow suit. #BCPoli #CdnPoli
#cdnpoli #bcpoli #prescriptioncontraception #reproductivehealth
Global News BC: Advocates seek funding for free contraception in next B.C. budget #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCNDPpromisecontraception #prescriptioncontraception #freecontraceptionBC #Reproductivehealth #Contraception #Women'shealth #BCgovernment #BChealthcare #Sexualhealth #BCpolitics #Politics #BChealth #Health #BCNDP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #BCNDPpromisecontraception #prescriptioncontraception #freecontraceptionBC #reproductivehealth #Contraception #women #BCgovernment #BChealthcare #Sexualhealth #BCpolitics #politics #BChealth #health #bcndp