we made a lot of peach jam last night.
#gardening #cooking #peaches #preserves
#Today we picked blackberries and I made #blackberry #jam. Also making some #Sourdough bread. Starter is fed, Dough is autolyzing. It is 3PM and I am beat!!!
#preserves #breadmaking #baking #canning #gathering #sourdough #jam #blackberry #today
Last night I bought several pounds of local backyard #figs that were advertised on Nextdoor — 3½ pounds fresh and 3 pounds frozen. Today I am turning the frozen ones into #preserves. The house smells heavenly! #canning
Made freezer jam with fresh peaches. It's really good on fresh, home-made bread with just a bit of rye.
I also made peach compote which mixes well into home-made yogurt.
My first time making jam. I've avoided it because the whole sterilization thing is a pain. But freezer jam avoids that, so it's good.
#food #foodpics #jam #preserves
There is nothing better on my English Muffin than butter and peach preserves. I used to think that apple butter was the pinnacle of spreadable toppings, but peach preserves now wear the crown.
The kererū and I have been taking turns harvesting the guava bush outside the kitchen. At last I've gathered enough for a batch of guava jelly (more than enough as it turned out - lots more guavas now in the freezer).
The jelly is delicious. #preserves #fruit #garden
Yesterday’s haul is starting to look very good. I’m not expert at preserving but it was lovely to have my 10yo choosing to chop and scoop the feijoa with me 🥰#preserves
Today is the Bees Knees
#Conservation #Bees #knees
#countryside #honey #preserves
#actors #harrypotter #doctorwho
#bbc #itv #planetearth
#Conservation #bees #knees #countryside #honey #preserves #actors #harrypotter #doctorwho #bbc #itv #planetearth #GlobalWarming
American Food – RASPBERRY JAM & CHOCOLATE RUGELACH COOKIES Russ & Daughters NYC https://www.alojapan.com/766231/american-food-raspberry-jam-chocolate-rugelach-cookies-russ-daughters-nyc/
#Americanfood #americanstreetfood #bakery #baking #butter #buttercookies #chocolate #chocolatechips #Cinnamon #cinnamonraisin #cookie #cookies #currants #DarkChocolate #Jam #Kyoto #Kyotodestinations #kyototour #Kyototravel #Kyototrip #Kyotovacation #newyork #NewYorkCity #NewYorkCitystreetfood #newyorkstreetfood #nyc #pastries #pastry #preserves #raisins #raspberry #京都
#americanfood #americanstreetfood #bakery #baking #butter #buttercookies #chocolate #chocolatechips #cinnamon #cinnamonraisin #cookie #cookies #currants #darkchocolate #jam #kyoto #kyotodestinations #kyototour #kyototravel #kyototrip #kyotovacation #newyork #newyorkcity #newyorkcitystreetfood #newyorkstreetfood #nyc #pastries #pastry #preserves #raisins #raspberry #京都
in anticipation of the #farmersmarket near me opening up in May, I am looking for #jam and #preserves #recipes for spring/summer. got any favorites? I have a strawberry rhubarb recipe I make every year, but I'm looking for all kinds. gotta put something on challah and scones and (when I start it again) sourdough.
#farmersmarket #jam #preserves #recipes
I'm in Randwick, Sydney and I have 7kg of home grown finger limes and I simply can't make that much marmalade. If anyone knows an organisation local to me (I was thinking of the Cornersmith Picklery but they seem to have closed) that could put it to good use, let me know.
#limes #homegrown #pickles #preserves
Yesterday I made some Allberry Jam, today I'm Baking Bread. Done that the wrong way around.
There's a plum tree near my house that's dropping heaps of little yellow plums. Every year I swear I'll learn to do something with them, and every year they rot on the ground. But not this year! Well. Mostly they're still on the ground, but a dozen of them have made some sort of plum-tomato jam thing I intend to use on pizza tonight. Success? It's a step anyway! #cooking #preserves ?? I'm tryin anyway haha.
Our garden produces fruit at my busiest times of year so I harvest the marionberries and concord grapes, juice them, then freeze it until later in the year when I can make jelly and give some to family/neighbors. It's always a big hit, along with the membrillo I make with our quince. That's another season's worth done!
#jelly #canning #homemade #preserves
Absolutley soused in sherry...hold me Frank #preserves #survivalstrategy
#ChristmasEve #FrankSinatra
#franksinatra #ChristmasEve #survivalstrategy #preserves