Maldives election
Campaigners face second round
Voters decide fate
#maldives #presidentialelection #voting #votersdecide #haiku #poetry
#maldives #presidentialelection #voting #votersdecide #haiku #poetry
As #MAGA world scrambled in November 2020 to concoct claims that the #PresidentialElection had been stolen, a business associate of #MikeLindell—the #MyPillow executive promoting outlandish conspiracy theories—circulated an especially extreme proposal: a draft #ExecutiveOrder that would have empowered armed supporters of #Trump [currently out on #bail ] to seize #VotingData and conduct investigations of supposed “ #ElectionTampering ”
#maga #presidentialelection #mikelindell #mypillow #executiveorder #trump #bail #votingdata #electiontampering
We salute the Republican campaign,
To stop the Trump train and keep it contained.
They race to the top
And spend every penny, they've got
As the ad war nears a hundred million.
#gop #presidentialelection #adwar #stoptrump #ode #poetry
Bernie Sanders says President Biden will win in 2024 if he runs on a "strong progressive agenda"
#CBSNews #BernieSanders #JoeBiden2024 #ProgressiveAgenda #PresidentialElection #StrongWin #Politics #News
#cbsnews #berniesanders #joebiden2024 #progressiveagenda #presidentialelection #strongwin #politics #news
Singapore's New President, a Former Central Bank Chairman, Has Called Crypto 'Slightly Crazy' - Tharman Shanmugaratnam, who has previously called crypto "purely speculative" and "slight... - #presidentialelection #regulations #singapore #policy #crypto #news #mas
#mas #news #crypto #policy #singapore #regulations #presidentialelection
Young Quinn Mitchell shook up the stage
With questions for Pres hopefuls of age
He asked Ron DeSantis
A question so persistant
It made the audience all agog engage
#quinnmitchell #rondesantis #2024 #presidentialelection #limerick #poetry
#quinnmitchell #rondesantis #presidentialelection #limerick #poetry
Court Ruling in Favor of Grayscale Clears Path for Bitcoin Innovation in US: Vivek Ramaswamy - Grayscale’s court win over the U.S. securities regulator will help keep crypto inn... - #presidentialcandidate #presidentialelection #securitiesregulator #cryptocurrency #vivekramaswamy #bitcoinetf #blockchain #government #republican #candidate #grayscale #judiciary #crypto
#crypto #judiciary #grayscale #candidate #republican #government #blockchain #bitcoinetf #vivekramaswamy #cryptocurrency #securitiesregulator #presidentialelection #presidentialcandidate
Francis Suarez, you dared to dream,
Though your ambitions were not meant to be.
Your run was bold, though short-lived,
A reminder of what we achieved.
We thank you for the bravery you showed.
#francissuarez #presidentialelection #bravedreams #ode #poetry
#FrancisSuarez #presidentialelection #bravedreams #ode #poetry
CBDC Hating, Bitcoin-Friendly Presidential Candidate Francis Suarez Drops Out of Race - Suarez previously said his campaign will accept bitcoin donation and said he would ban a ... - #presidentialelection #policy #miami #news #mia
#mia #news #miami #policy #presidentialelection
(26 Aug) - Law Professor Breaks Down Why Trump Is ’Disqualified’ From Becoming President Again #LawProfessor #TrumpDisqualified #Constitution #PresidentialElection #PoliticalAnalysis #LegalOpinion #Politics #News
#news #politics #legalopinion #politicalanalysis #presidentialelection #constitution #trumpdisqualified #lawprofessor
Law Professor Breaks Down Why Trump Is 'Disqualified' From Becoming President Again
#LawProfessor #TrumpDisqualified #Constitution #PresidentialElection #PoliticalAnalysis #LegalOpinion #Politics #News
#LawProfessor #trumpdisqualified #constitution #presidentialelection #politicalanalysis #legalopinion #politics #news
(26 Aug) - Trump Can and Should Be Disqualified From Running for President Under the 14th Amendment #TrumpDisqualification #14thAmendment #PresidentialElection #ConstitutionalLaw #PoliticalEligibility #USPolitics #Politics #News
#news #politics #uspolitics #politicaleligibility #constitutionallaw #presidentialelection #14thamendment #trumpdisqualification
Trump Can and Should Be Disqualified From Running for President Under the 14th Amendment
#TrumpDisqualification #14thAmendment #PresidentialElection #ConstitutionalLaw #PoliticalEligibility #USPolitics #Politics #News
#trumpdisqualification #14thamendment #presidentialelection #constitutionallaw #politicaleligibility #uspolitics #politics #news
Vivek Ramaswamy emerged as a focus of attention at the first Republican debate for the United States Presidential Elections 2024
#VivekRamawamy #Republican #RepublicanDebate #UnitedStates #PresidentialElection #USNews
#vivekramawamy #republican #republicandebate #unitedstates #presidentialelection #usnews
So.Vote before a full breakfast or after a full dinner?
#singapore #presidentialelection
Why does the polling card for GE come as a loose piece of paper but the PE comes in a fancy envelope?
#singapore #singlish #kopitiam #electionfarce #presidentialelection
#presidentialelection #electionfarce #kopitiam #singlish #singapore
The election posters are up..
#singapore #presidentialelection #streetphotography
Please don't waste resources like the last one and just move into the official residence
#Singapore #PresidentialElection
#presidentialelection #singapore
let the conspiracy theories begin
Democracy is practiced, not achieved, practice democracy by making your voice heard, #VOTE
#kopitiam #singlish #singapore #vote #electionfarce #presidentialelection #publicholiday #knowyourx
ජනාධිපතිවරණය විපක්ෂය මුහුණ දෙන අභියෝගය!: සමගි ජන බලවේගය (සජබ) මන්ත්රී (ගම්පහ දිස්ත්රික්කය) ෆීල්ඩ් මාර්ෂල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා තම පක්ෂයෙන් පිට දේශපාලන ක්රියාවලියකට අවතීර්ණ වී ඇත. අගෝස්තු 11 වන දින සිකුරාදා විහාරමහාදේවි උද්යානය අසල එතුමාගේ නායකත්වයෙන් වික්රමසිංහ-රාජපක්ෂ ආණ්ඩුවට එරෙහිව පැවති උද්ඝෝෂණය අවධාරණය කළේ පාර්ලිමේන්තුව නියෝජනය කරන ප්රධාන විපක්ෂයේ බෙදීමයි. ‘ජනතා විප්ලවය’ (Peoplezs Revolution) ලෙස නම් කර තිබූ එම උද්ඝෝෂණයට සජබ… #ඉරදසගරහයවශෂග #Presidentialelection
#ඉරදසගරහයවශෂග #presidentialelection