Do you mean John Palmer's 2009 book? (He wrote the SEP article.) I think it's had a very favorable reception.
If you want something that looks at the poetry and the Greek, I'm still partial to my advisor's book: Alex Mourelatos, The Route of Parmenides. And Matt Evans' book will be great when it comes out.
#GreekPhilosophy #Parmenides #Presocratics #PresocraticPhilosophy
#greekphilosophy #Parmenides #presocratics #presocraticphilosophy
Sunday afternoon reading: NOT READING HERAKLEITOS, by Alan Loney.
What did Herakleitos actually say? Not what did he mean, but what did he *say*?
Here, Lomey—a poet and printer with an interest in philosophy but also the materiality of things—looks at this ancient philosopher, and tries to find out exactly what he left us. #philosophy #history #translation #greek #herakleitos #heraclitus #presocratics
#presocratics #Heraclitus #herakleitos #greek #translation #history #philosophy
Sunday afternoon reading: NOT READING HERAKLEITOS, by Alan Loney.
What did Herakleitos actually say? Not what did he mean, but what did he *say*?
Here, Lomey—a poet and printer with an interest in philosophy but also the materiality of things—looks at this ancient philosopher, and tries to find out exactly what he left us. #philosophy #history #translation #greek #herakleitos #heraclitus #presocratics
#presocratics #Heraclitus #herakleitos #greek #translation #history #philosophy
A brief summary of my #hashtag search failures on #Mastodon
#hashtag #mastodon #bullehshah #satyajitray #quartalharmony #unitedempireloyalists #presocratics #samizdat
"The whole of life is wonderfully open to complaint, my friend; it has nothing remarkable, great or noble, but all is petty, feeble, brief-lasting, and mingled with sorrows."
- Antiphon the Sophist
#presocratics #quotes #philosophy #antiphonthesophist
None of us knows anything, not even whether we know or do not know, nor do we know whether not knowing and knowing exist, nor in general whether there is anything or not.
- Metrodorus of Chios, 4th century BCE
#quotes #presocratics #epistomology #philosophy
(The early Spartans) used to leap into the air, and before descending, made many movements of their feet, which they called 'to dance the tong-dance'. - Critias of Athens
#critiasofathens #presocratics #dance #sparta