My version of the #PressedFlowersPullover is off the needles. I made some alterations to the sleeves, making them shorter, and also reducing the number of stitches for the cuff considerably as the way the pattern was written made for a much looser cuff which just doesn't suit my needs. I also went down a needle size for the cuffs. I may have made them a little TOO snug for the overall design, but it will make it much more wearable for me.
I knitted it in #RipplesCraftsYarn Arcadia DK
#knitting #ripplescraftsyarn #pressedflowerspullover
My version of the #PressedFlowersPullover is coming along nicely. I'm using my own Ripples Crafts hand dyed, and the base is Arcadia DK in colours "Midnight at the Village Hall" and "As the Sun Sets". I'm out of stock of both shades at the moment, but have undyed Arcadia base arriving this week when I'll redye both shades.
#handdyedYarn #knitting #pressedflowerspullover
Happy with this colour combination for my Pressed Flowers Pullover.
Yarn used is Ripples Crafts Arcaadia DK in "Midnight at the Village Hall" and "As The Sun Sets".
#IndieDyedYarn #RipplesCraftsYarn #PressedFlowersPullover #Knitting
#knitting #pressedflowerspullover #ripplescraftsyarn #indiedyedyarn