Take a look at the latest #CallsForSubmissions from the many #litmags and #presses that are members of #CLMP. Opportunities with upcoming deadlines include Shō Poetry Journal, Belle Point Press, American Chordata, Three Rooms Press, The BeZine, Apple Valley Review, Host Publications, North Dakota State University Press, Onyx Publications, and more.
https://www.clmp.org/programs-opportunities/calls-for-submissions/ #writing #writingcommunity #amwriting
#callsforsubmissions #litmags #presses #clmp #writing #writingcommunity #amwriting
I would jump in to defend #university #presses here, but that would require me to have even the faintest idea of what he's talking about. And I don't, despite having read it three times. Sheesh.
#introduction Hello!!! 👋🏽 I’m a #bayarea based #writer of #essays and #memoir. Themes in my #writing include #family #belonging #language #loss #grief #diaspora. I’ve published in many #litmags and the NYT and have a #book #manuscript I’m submitting to #agents and independent #presses. I love cheering on other writers 🎉
#presses #agents #manuscript #book #litmags #diaspora #grief #loss #language #belonging #family #writing #memoir #essays #writer #bayarea #introduction