Nonostante sia abilissimo nel fare #pressing, un'altra caratteristica che spicca maggiormente è la sua eccellente capacità nell'effettuare #PassaggiProgressivi: comparandolo con le altre ali, è stato secondo solo a #DiMaria nella 2022-2023. Molto più bravo di lui nel ricerverli in quanto attacca meglio la profondità.
Il mio pronostico: esploderà in pochi mesi e verrà ceduto tra massimo 2 anni.
(3️⃣ / 3️⃣)
(Piaciuto il thread? Apprezzato un bel #boost 🙏)
#boost #pressing #passaggiprogressivi #DiMaria #unocalcio #unofootball #bologna #calcio
🫥leaving #aside the whole
"Why does my #lte #router have a #local copy of #jquery installed ?"
The #more #pressing #question is:
~ Why would said #jquery mention a #sony #ps3 ?! ~
#aside #lte #router #local #jquery #more #pressing #question #sony #ps3 #muamaryoko
Actual footage from Twitter HQ last weekend!
#twitter #trainwreck #elon #pressing #buttons
(Image midjourney)
#twitter #TrainWreck #elon #pressing #buttons
Workout tonight:
Overhead Press: Warm ups, 1x6 @ 155 (80% 1rm), 4x5 @ 145lbs.
Push press: Quick warm up, 4x7 @ 135lbs. Failed last two reps of the last set.
Box jumps/dumbbell press supersets: 3x6/3x9 @ 35lbs each hand.
I'm 95% of the way back from the colds. Thinking the heat, being if schedule for a number of weeks, and my diet and starting to impact things. This shouldn't have felt so hard for me tonight. Oh well!
BTSV-Pressing: Monster oder Alibi?
Ist der BTSV in der Liga ein Pressingmonster oder ist das Pressing nur ein Alibi?
Pressing in der Theori
#Datenwelt:Taktikpadu.Spielanalyse #2.Bundesliga #Analyse #AnthonyUjah #Braunschweig #Datencheck #EintrachtBraunschweig #Eintracht-DNA #FabioKaufmann #GlobalSoccerNetwork #ImmanuelPherai #LionLauberbach #ManuelZintzheimer #MichaelSchiele #Pressing #Ranking #TobiasEscher
#tobiasescher #ranking #pressing #michaelschiele #manuelzintzheimer #lionlauberbach #immanuelpherai #globalsoccernetwork #fabiokaufmann #eintracht #eintrachtbraunschweig #Datencheck #braunschweig #AnthonyUjah #analyse #datenwelt
Workout tonight:
Overhead Press: Warm ups, 1x4 @ 165lbs, 4x5 @ 145lbs.
Push press: Quick warm up, 4x5 @ 165lbs.
Box jumps/dumbbell press supersets: 3x5/3x10 @ 35lbs each hand.
Bicep/tricep accessories for a few sets.
Feeling pretty good overall. Liking this range of weights. I think after a deload I'll stick to these but bump up reps to 6-8 range.
Das Spiel der Ketten – Hat sich Schiele am Samstag vercoacht?
Viererkette vs. Fünferkette. Welches System liegt der Eintracht aktuell besser?
#Datenwelt:Taktikpadu.Spielanalyse #1.FCMagdeburg #Dreierkette #EintrachtBraunschweig #Fünferkette #MichaelSchiele #Pressing #Viererkette
#viererkette #pressing #michaelschiele #funferkette #eintrachtbraunschweig #dreierkette #datenwelt
Lối đá Pressing là gì? Một số loại Pressing phổ biến hiện nay
Lối đá Pressing là gì?Pressing tầm cao là gì? tham khảo tại:
Hastag: #FB88 #fb88co #pressing #pressinglagi
#fb88 #fb88co #pressing #pressinglagi
Lối đá Pressing là gì? Một số loại Pressing phổ biến hiện nay
Lối đá Pressing là gì?Pressing tầm cao là gì? tham khảo tại:
Hastag: #FB88 #fb88co #pressing #pressinglagi
#fb88 #fb88co #pressing #pressinglagi
Lối đá Pressing là gì? Một số loại Pressing phổ biến hiện nay
Lối đá Pressing là gì?Pressing tầm cao là gì? tham khảo tại:
Hastag: #FB88 #fb88co #pressing #pressinglagi
#fb88 #fb88co #pressing #pressinglagi
Lối đá Pressing là gì? Một số loại Pressing phổ biến hiện nay
Lối đá Pressing là gì?Pressing tầm cao là gì? tham khảo tại:
Hastag: #FB88 #fb88co #pressing #pressinglagi
#fb88 #fb88co #pressing #pressinglagi
Lối đá Pressing là gì? Một số loại Pressing phổ biến hiện nay
Lối đá Pressing là gì?Pressing tầm cao là gì? tham khảo tại:
Hastag: #FB88 #fb88co #pressing #pressinglagi
#fb88 #fb88co #pressing #pressinglagi
Lối đá Pressing là gì? Một số loại Pressing phổ biến hiện nay
Lối đá Pressing là gì?Pressing tầm cao là gì? tham khảo tại:
Hastag: #FB88 #fb88co #pressing #pressinglagi
#pressinglagi #pressing #fb88co #fb88
Lối đá Pressing là gì? Một số loại Pressing phổ biến hiện nay
Lối đá Pressing là gì?Pressing tầm cao là gì? tham khảo tại:
Hastag: #FB88 #fb88co #pressing #pressinglagi
#fb88 #fb88co #pressing #pressinglagi
Workout tonight:
Overhead Press: Warm ups, 1x3 @ 155lbs, 1x3 @ 170lbs, 3x4 and 1x6 @ 145lbs.
Push press: Quick warm up, 4x5 @ 165lbs.
Box jumps/dumbbell press supersets: 3x5/3x9 @ 35lbs each hand.
Bicep/tricep accessories for a few sets.
I found some patio blocks to jump on instead so I don't risk more damage to my bench beyond my fat booty wrecking it.
Shoulder is mediocre, not as good as last week. Push press felt great on it though!
Workout tonight:
Overhead Press: Warm ups, 1x3 @ 155lbs, 1x4 @ 165lbs, 4x4 @ 145lbs.
Front Squat: Warm ups, 3x5 @ 155lbs, 1x7 @ 155lbs.
Box jumps/dumbbell press supersets: 3x5 until I might have snapped my bench/3x9 @ 35lbs each hand.
Bicep/tricep accessories for a few sets.
Shoulder was largely cooperating tonight. Guessing it'll be a bit tender the next few days, but tonight felt like recovering is working.
#weightlifting #workout #pressing
Every time I embark on a new sewing project I think about this Lyons ad
What is the secret to good sewing? It's the pressing.
(I just spent an hour pressing before getting a single stitch in and my back hurts.)
#SupportLocal #SmallBiz #Vinyl #Job 🎼
~ Cascade Record #Pressing is hiring a Project Manager; apply by 4/14
#icymi #pnw #portland #or #supportlocal #smallbiz #vinyl #job #pressing
Workout tonight:
Overhead Press: 5x4 @ 155lbs
Rack pulls: 4x6 @ 275lbs
Box Step/Dumbbell Press Superset: 4x10, 4x8 @ 35lbs, rest for 45 seconds between sets.
Some external shoulder rotations and stretching.
The overhead press was mixed. 155 should have been a fairly achievable set of 5, but it was a struggle. Think stretching and rotating might help, but we will see for sure.
#pressing #workout #weightlifting
Gostovanje na #SBTV u informativnoj emisiji #PRESSing 📺
🎙️@AndreaCovic, @SuncanaGlavak i Anita Malenica
// @EDSlavonskiBrod @Europarl_HR