"Labour faces wrath of UK media bosses by opposing repeal of regulation rule"
Before you laud #Labour, and decry the media barons, note that #Section40 threatens not only the perfidious red-tops, but also the likes of #PrivateEye and other publications which for various reasons refuse to sign up to a state-backed regulator that has attracted little more than Tiddlywinks World.
#Impress has failed, and #Section40 has no place in the statute book.
#labour #section40 #privateeye #impress #pressregulation
Nicola Bulley: watchdog not currently planning to investigate press coverage https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/jul/01/nicola-bulley-watchdog-not-currently-planning-to-investigate-press-coverage #Newspapers&magazines #Pressregulation #Socialmedia #Lancashire #Newspapers #UKnews #Media #Ipso
#newspapers #pressregulation #socialmedia #lancashire #uknews #media #ipso
Jeremy Clarkson’s Sun article on Meghan was sexist, says press regulator https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/jun/30/jeremy-clarkson-sun-article-on-meghan-was-sexist-says-press-regulator #Newspapers&magazines #theDuchessofSussex #Pressregulation #JeremyClarkson #HarrietHarman #PrinceHarry #Newspapers #Society #Meghan #UKnews #Media #Women #Ipso
#newspapers #theduchessofsussex #pressregulation #jeremyclarkson #harrietharman #princeharry #society #meghan #uknews #media #women #ipso
Almost ten years in operation, and not a single investigation conducted. As if it weren't obvious to everyone in this country that the mainstream media is broken. #IPSO continues to earn its reputation as a sham regulator.
#KnowTheMedia #pressregulation
#ipso #knowthemedia #pressregulation
#10yrsago More on the impact of UK #PressRegulation on blogs, websites, tweeters, social media https://www.theguardian.com/media/2013/mar/19/bloggers-libel-fines-press-regulation
#10yrsago #BrianKrebs talks to hacker who may have #SWATted him and attacked Wired’s Mat Honan https://krebsonsecurity.com/2013/03/the-obscurest-epoch-is-today/
#10yrsago In-depth explanation of @eff’s courtroom victory over the #FBI’s “#NationalSecurityLetters” https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/03/depth-judge-illstons-remarkable-order-striking-down-nsl-statute
#10yrsago Tavi “Style Rookie” Gevison on strong female characters and being a young feminist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6osiBvQ-RRg
#10yrsago #pressregulation #briankrebs #Swatted #fbi #nationalsecurityletters
If you want decent leaders like Jacinda Ardern to win power in the UK:
1. join @bettermediauk@twitter.com:
2. support @hackinginquiry@twitter.com's campaign for #pressregulation to stops the #press systematically spreading #racism #hate & lies:
#hate #racism #press #pressregulation