Press The Buttons Finds Two Link’s Awakening Commercials
Matthew Green's Press The Buttons is a gaming culture blog that predates our efforts by many years. They don't update as obsessively frequently as we do, but the find good things!
They found a couple of commercials promoting Link's Awakening, which turns 30 year
#retro #blog #linksawakening #matthewgreen #pressthebuttons #retro #video #youtube #zelda
#zelda #youtube #video #pressthebuttons #matthewgreen #linksawakening #blog #retro
Sundry Sunday: SNL Trailer for HBO Mario Kart Show
Via Matthew Green at Press The Buttons, Pedro Pascal in a mocked-up trailer made by Saturday Night Live positing a prestige Mario Kart drama produced by HBO:
#sundaysundry #hbo #mario #matthewgreen #parody #pedropascal #pressthebuttons #snl #sundrysunday #trailer #video #youtube
#youtube #video #Trailer #sundrysunday #snl #pressthebuttons #pedropascal #parody #matthewgreen #mario #hbo #sundaysundry