Pret A Manger just got fined £800K after a staff got trapped inside a walk-in freezer for 2.5 hours wearing just a shirt.
Pret was able to keep customer deaths & 20+ injuries quiet for 2 years, and this freezer incident happened in 2021,what else is hidden?
Having worked in Pret, I explain why this might have happened:
↘️ <
#pret #pretamanger #healthandsafety #freezer
Good morning world, it’s an overcast but warm day in New York City. We just had our breakfast in #Pret.
Now we are on our way to the New Jersey Gardens for some shopping
☑️ Inputs and discussions among participants will help #WHO and stakeholders to advance respiratory pathogen pandemic preparedness (RPPP), as #PRET marks an evolution in World Health Organization’s approach to RPPP through a mode of transmission lens application, rather than focus on specific diseases.
#WHEBalkanHub #UnitedActionForBetterHealth
#who #pret #whebalkanhub #unitedactionforbetterhealth
5⃣6⃣ public health officials from the #WesternBalkans 🇦🇱🇧🇦🇲🇪🇲🇰🇷🇸🇽🇰 & 🇲🇩met in #Instanbul 🇹🇷 on the #WHOEuropean Region's first workshop - financially supported by the European Union 🇪🇺 - to roll out #PRET and strengthen pandemic preparedness
#UnitedActionForBetterHealth #WHEBalkanHub
#WesternBalkans #instanbul #whoeuropean #pret #unitedactionforbetterhealth #whebalkanhub
📢 A new era for respiratory pathogen pandemic preparedness
👉 World Health Organization’s 🆕 #PRET (preparedness and resilience for emerging threats) Initiative helps countries better prepare for future epidemics and pandemics building on 📕 lessons learned from the #COVID19 #pandemic
#WHOEurope #WHEBalkanHub #WHOImpact #WesternBalkans #ProudToBeWHO
#pret #COVID19 #pandemic #whoeurope #whebalkanhub #whoimpact #WesternBalkans #proudtobewho #unitedactionforbetterhealth
#CJUE #AG Collins: après l’annulation d’un contrat de #prêt hypothécaire en raison de clauses abusives, les #consommateurs peuvent faire valoir à l’encontre des banques des prétentions allant au-delà du remboursement de la prestation monétaire; les banques non
#CJUE #AG #pret #consommateurs
Les conseils sur : "Comment faire de la place chez soi ?"
#achat #location #pret #soldes
Opgave: 5 van de 8 eieren zijn bedorven. Wat zou jij doen met de supermarkt?
👉 De drie verse eieren kopen
👉 De vijf bedorven eieren tegen de ramen smijten
👉 Een waarschuwing geven
👉 De eieren moeten droog bewaard worden
👉 Ik zou vijf eieren vervangen
Se faire percer le cerveau est il sans risque?
La fuite des cerveaux, ce n'est pas un mythe. Une américaine mal-fichue a vu son cerveau fuir de partout après un test PCR qui s'est mal passé. Une situation heureusement rare, nous dit La Science™.
#Covidisme #Désinformation #États-Unisd'Amérique #Faussesnouvelles #Obligationssanitaires #Prêt-à-penser #ScienceàGogos #Covid #PCR #Tests
#Covidisme #desinformation #etats #faussesnouvelles #Obligationssanitaires #pret #scienceagogos #covid #pcr #tests
Ventilator de birou Zass ZTF 1202 cu cel mai avantajos pret
Mereu avem nevoie de cate un astfel de aparat cu care sa avem mai racoare in camera.
Probabil ca #celmaibun pret este cel care ne asigura produsul pe loc. Asadar, sa ne bucuram de racoare, de #ventilatoare si de vara, oricat de cald ar fi.
#celmaibun #ventilatoare #reduceri #oferte #promotii #pret
Year in Review 2022 #Pret A Manger: <
So listen, #starbucks, the deal is that you give me an internet connection for half an hour and I buy my #morning #coffee from you. This is the 3rd day running when your wifi is useless and I'm having to leach a connection from #Pret next door
#starbucks #morning #coffee #pret
This is sad to see, another piece of Dublin nightlife gone.
One of the best things about moving back home from London was leaving #Pret behind.
@lauraz #beleefeconomie to the max in het bos hier in de regio. #natuur #entertainment #pret
#beleefeconomie #natuur #entertainment #pret
#PeerTube playlist on #PretAManger issues from systemic #WorkplaceBullying to customer deaths & injuries, to mouldy food and food waste etc.
#peertube #pretamanger #workplacebullying #pret #youtube #expret #expretdotorg
I'm a former #PretAManger employee writing publicly on #Pret issues incl. customer deaths after I declined "hush money" for being bullied at work during bereavement.
Pret staff contact me with leaks that I pass on to the press.
For more info, please visit:
YouTube: @expretDOTorg
I am tired of #Twitter with their shadow banning/censorship & hope Madson is less toxic.
#introduction #introductions #pretamanger #pret #twitter #freespeech #freepress
#new here, #introduction #introductions #intro #introdução #intro
I am a former Pret A Manger employee and write publicly on a variety of Pret issues, but mainly in regards to how Pret treat low-wage workers and the reality behind the happy facade.
My blog:
YouTube: @expretDOTorg
Hopefully Mastodon will be a much better experience than Twitter. Twitter is exhausting!
#new #introduction #introductions #intro #introducao #pret #pretamanger #itsu #expret
Writing on Pret A Manger #Pret #PretAManger as former staff on , podcast, YouTube etc.