The schedule is out! 🥳
Can’t wait to hear #EddieVedder sing with #DaveGrohl and #ChrissieHynde ! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 #OhanaFest2023
#FooFighters #Pretenders
#pretenders #foofighters #ohanafest2023 #chrissiehynde #davegrohl #eddievedder
Chrissie Hynde, 1980 Topps style, in honor of her birthday today
#pretenders #chrissiehynde #baseballcards #cardart
The new #pretenders songs were very good, now the first reviews for their upcoming album Relentless are coming in and they’re raving!
Really looking forward to hearing it, release date September 15th! 🤩
Happy anniversary to The Pretenders album, ‘Pretenders II’. Released this week in 1981. #pretenders #chrissiehynde #pretendersll #talkofthetown #messageoflove #dayafterday #louielouie #igotosleep
#pretenders #chrissiehynde #pretendersll #talkofthetown #messageoflove #dayafterday #LouieLouie #igotosleep
#TheKinks, werd meteen goed onthaald, en met hun derde single Brass In Pocket in januari 1980 haalden ze hun eerste nummer 1.
Tegelijkertijd kwam hun debuut uit, genaamd #Pretenders, welke wordt gezien als één van de beste debuutalbums aller tijden.
Op 14 juni 1982 ontslaat de band #PeteFarndon wegens drugsgebruik, 2 dagen later op 16 januari 1982 vinden ze James op het appartement van zijn vriendin, overleden na een hartaanval door gebruik van cocaïne.
Hynde schreef de song 2000 Miles voor hem
#thekinks #pretenders #petefarndon
Pretenders-Frontfrau Chrissie Hynde: Älterwerden ist wie Kiffen
I was 21 when the #Pretenders released Middle of The Road, and when Chrissie Hynde sang "I've got a kid, I'm 33" it's like she was saying she was so old and tired and it seemed realistic to me. Now I'm listening to it and thinking I had no idea at that point when I was getting myself in for, with this #aging thing.
Wow! Listening to the Spotify #pretenders playlist in preparation for going to their concert later this year. Didn’t know all of their work, but damn, that playlist is just banger after banger, and the new album tracks are really really solid too! Few bands can match such consistent quality over so many decades like #chrissiehynde
Pretenders - Alone
Chrissie found kind of a perfect collaborator in Dan Auerbach. It's nice to hear her stretch out a bit with some relatively down-and-dirty garage rock.
#pretenders #chrissiehynde #vinyl #nowplaying
"Tattooed Love Boys"
#Pretenders (1980)
🎬 #MarkRobinson directed the film.
#80s #punkrock #altrock #Punk #eddiefm #MarkRobinson #pretenders #HashtagGames #oddthingstoclaponclapoff
Pretenders Welcome Johnny Marr, Dave Grohl During Glastonbury Festival Set #2023_06_24 #spin #jonathan_cohen #news #chrissie_hynde #dave_grohl #johnny_marr #pretenders #rick_astley #the_smiths
#2023_06_24 #spin #jonathan_cohen #news #chrissie_hynde #dave_grohl #johnny_marr #pretenders #rick_astley #the_smiths
Pretenders Enlist Radiohead’s Jonny Greenwood on Latest Single #2023_06_16 #spin #spin_staff #news #pretenders
#2023_06_16 #spin #spin_staff #news #pretenders
#Pretenders - Got Class In Pocket Protector
#AlanisMorissette - One Hand In My Pocket Protector
#TheWhiteStripes - You've Got It In Your Pocket Protector
#Alternative #HashtagGames #nerdupasongormovie #thewhitestripes #alanismorissette #pretenders
‘It Was the ‘80s – Everything Was Going On’: The US Festival at 40 #2023_05_29 #spin #sean_burch #oral_history #david_bowie #motley_crue #pretenders #the_clash #us_festival #van_halen
#2023_05_29 #spin #sean_burch #oral_history #david_bowie #motley_crue #pretenders #the_clash #us_festival #van_halen
How Robbie McIntosh Became a Go-To Guitarist for Paul McCartney, John Mayer, and More #2023_05_16 #rolling_stone #andy_greene #music #music_features #john_mayer #paul_mccartney #pretenders #unknown_legends
#2023_05_16 #rolling_stone #andy_greene #music #music_features #john_mayer #paul_mccartney #pretenders #unknown_legends
🎧 #GraceJones covered "Private Life" on #WarmLeatherette in 1980, the same year Chrissie Hynde's song was included on #Pretenders debut LP.
#SlyAndRobbie joined the Compass Point #AllStars in the studio + #ChrisBlackwell produced. It's one of the #remastered Grace Jones tracks on "Private Life: The Compass Point Sessions" (1998). This is the #dub version.
#music #Dub #electronic #programming #newwave #DanceMusic #classic #Jamaica #LadiesAndGentlemenMissGraceJones
#chrisblackwell #pretenders #ladiesandgentlemenmissgracejones #jamaica #classic #Dancemusic #newwave #Programming #electronic #Music #dub #remastered #allstars #slyandrobbie #warmleatherette #gracejones