Has anyone had success using Tailwind with Astro in VSCode? Turns out the Headwind extension, which I use to sort Tailwind classes on save, doesn't work on Astro files. I spent a couple hours last night trying to setup ESLint/Prettier to get the same functionality but I had a lot of issues. If anyone has a repo they could point to where that is working, please let me know.
#withastro #tailwindcss #eslint #prettier
does anyone know how to prevent my attributes from formatting into a single line when saving my vue components?
I long ago lost the battle against prettier/eslint/vscode and just tend to leave it to it but I find this particularly irritating
#vue #nuxt #vscode #prettier #eslint #webdev
I've been suffering lately from the fact that Visual Studio Code isn't compatible with the way Volta install Prettier globally.
Saw an issue about this in Volta, but unsure it's not a VS code issue instead: https://github.com/volta-cli/volta/issues/1119
Has anyone solved this problem?
A prettier JS code-formatting option I kind of want is to say: while code wraps at 80 columns, **don't wrap a template string if it fits in, say, 100 or 120 columns.** Basically internally wrapping template strings feels less readable.
#Codeformatierung: #Prettier 3.0 bringt Breaking Changes für #JavaScript | heise online
#codeformatierung #prettier #javascript
Started to really work with #craftcms projects a month ago, so far it seems to be an awesome fit for agency projects + dev teamwork.🥰 Kudos!
Only thing I miss is a solid #prettier #twig plugin for auto-formatting of craft twig files in vscode. 😢 1/ https://github.com/trivago/prettier-plugin-twig-melody
Today's my first day trying #deno.
Not sure how I feel about the built in #linter and formatter yet; me and #prettier are besties, and I have gotten used to #eslint
Still gonna give it a try.
#webDev #nodejs #node #npm #npmjs #javaScript #programming #code #dependencies
#dependencies #code #programming #javascript #npmjs #npm #node #nodejs #webdev #eslint #prettier #linter #deno
@marcamos @pepelsbey just curious, what don't you like about it? I find it quite good, and I like the way it splits tags to put every attribute on its own line (= better git diffs) and to conserve spaces / the lack thereof. The only problem I have with #Prettier (across all languages) is the fact that it collapses the multi-line structures if there is space, which I almost never want.
I am not choosing to use this nasty piece of tech, but I have to.
And now I am trying to solve some problems that are with no doubt my own fault, if you have some ideas: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76127977/prettier-plugin-sort-imports-ignores-import-order
Because I am forced to use all other sorts of nasty tech, in this case Next.js, the order of imports is actually very relevant. Prettier runs in a CI context here. If it reorders the imports incorrectly, the site breaks.
Also #react mit #bootstrap und #typescript ist ja schon klasse fürs #Frontend, wenn man es denn mal so hinbekommt, dass es das macht was man will - mit dem #javascript wie ich es kenne, hat das aber überhaupt nichts mehr zu tun:
Allein den Editor #VScodium so zu trimmen, dass #prettier und #eslint mit den Konfigs in #react zusammenarbeiten war echt nervtötend.
Für das Backend mit #python #cgi wird das nicht so nervenaufreibend werden, hoffe ich...
#react #bootstrap #typescript #frontend #javascript #vscodium #prettier #eslint #python #cgi
Also #react mit #bootstrap und #typescript ist ja es schon klasse, wenn man es denn mal so hinbekommt, dass es das macht was man will.
Aber mit dem #javascript wie ich es kenne, hat das überhaupt nichts mehr zu tun.
Allein den Editor #VScodium so zu trimmen, dass #prettier und #eslint mit #react zusammenarbeiten war echt nervtötend.
Für das Backend mit #python #cgi wird das nicht so nervenaufreibend werden, hoffe ich...
#react #bootstrap #typescript #javascript #vscodium #prettier #eslint #python #cgi
My latest (and greatest) book, JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies, is available now!
Every junior developer or aspiring JS developer needs this book, imho.
The book teaches modern #JavaScript, how browsers work, using #VSCode like a pro, #Git, #prettier, #eslint, #vite, #webpack, #react, #vue, #svelte, #http, #jest, #node, #express, #mongodb, #mongoose, and finishes with a chapter on authentication with #jwt.
It took me 6 months to write and is over 800 pages.
#javascript #vscode #git #prettier #eslint #vite #webpack #react #vue #svelte #http #jest #node #Express #mongodb #mongoose #jwt
Okay it's been 6 years: we should probably have a long discussion on how #Prettier is the most successful #JavaScript project of the last decade
It knows exactly what it is and isn't, never breaks on me, is incredibly missed when it's not there. Unproblematic king 👑
#nodejs #js #webDev #webDevelopment #frontEnd #web #npm #node #programming
#programming #node #npm #web #frontend #webdevelopment #webdev #js #nodejs #javascript #prettier
I don't know who could possibly need or want this. Yet here we are.
#neovim #nvim #vim #typescript #prettier
Da ich oft kleine #React-Projekte anlege und statt Create-React-App Vite nutze, habe ich ein kleines Skript geschrieben. Damit wird automatisch auch #TailwindCSS und #Prettier installiert. Mit #Typescript.
#react #tailwindcss #prettier #typescript
I've been thinking about the number of discussions about whitespace in #javascript I was involved in before #prettier came along. I do not miss a single one of them. 😬🎉