Everyone has heard the voice of the God/dess in their life
Indeed, every time you are moved to proclaim your demand for justice and equality, that is the God/dess speaking to and through you!
Beware the Ma'at of my Da'at ye archons Pisces!
#iamthefinalnineinchnailinthecoffinofabrahamicconservatism #prettygnosticmachine
What part of “Your Sky Daddy is fucking retard” did you not understand?
Christian's Sky Mommy castrates Your Sky Daddy - News At Eleven
#current911 #thedaatapocalypse #prettygnosticmachine
Freedom means nothing without constraints.
Freedom is meaningless without limitation.
Life as resistance-overcoming - this is the National Progressive Gnostic way!
I just coined a new word today: "prototranshumanism", along with a simple CONCEPTUAL definition.
Have fun with it, my budding Pretty Gnostic Machines!
Lets play the game of 'Master and Servant.'
Without the neccessary transhumanist upgrades, which i might add will be subsidized by the National Progressive Gnostic state for all those who knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily consent to them, we simply will not be able to compete effectively with any futuristic emergent stronge AI.
Oh, no doubt about it. My life story thus far would so be banned in Florida.
Speaking of which, let me introduce myself:
My name is Christian, and I’m still very, very fucking angry I wasn’t invited to the high school Prom.
Lo, I have become death,
Destroyer of Aeons!
I aver the following:
There is no AI that will ever be able to reproduce the raucously unhinged, fearlessly weird, fist-fuck-the-typical-MEMEable-profitable-trendy creativity of my thought processes.
And if it does, that I am totally superfluous.
Feed me to the wild pigs!
#oedipuscomplexreloaded #prettygnosticmachine
We’re fucked!
When AI takes over, we will all be singing along with Trent Reznor:
Wish there was something real
Wish there was something true
Wish there was something real
In this world full of you
The cold hard truth: It’s either my National Progressive Gnostic transhumanism or extinction.
There is no in between!
You decide.
Scary how the same aging process that led to Martha Stewart can also lead to Diana Feinstein.
If free will is an illusion, then genetic engineering is the only Final Solution worthy of our execution in the New Aeon.
In the words of David Tibet:
In particular, paraphs some form of genetic RE-engineering or transhumanist implant that is able to circumvent the Demiurgic ground bequeathed to us by the Shevirah– the irrational, exploitative & caste-based will to power restlessly seething within us, whose muddled, half-awake, myopically egotistical thinking condemns us all to the prison of perpetual strife, dissatisfaction, and ignorance/misunderstanding both of ourselves and others.
#prettygnosticmachine #hegel #germanidealism
I need to find a sugar mommy.
One who will support me so I can sit around all day and do nothing but read philosophy when I want to. Fuck, if I can do that, I will do anything for her. I will even wipe her ass after she shits if that’s what she wants.
Let's be real: In these dark and turbulent liminal times, one needs above all a monomaniacal commitment with a singular hokus fokus if one wants to in Nietzsche's words, 'give birth to a dancing star.'
The same right-wing conservative shitbags who currently make the claim that there is a link between transgenderism and pedophilia are the same shitbags a generation back who attempted to make the same link between homosexuals and pedophilia.
Same shitbags, different time.
A specter is haunting America.
The specter of the death of Abrahamic conservatism.
"Coil were an influential post-industrial group, exploring themes of alchemy, dreams, the occult, drugs and sexuality."
I'm in good company!
To fully understand the man, you must learneth where he cometh from.
Have a great Saturday night everyone.
For example, discovering what parts of the brain when activated in a certain way are able to induce/beget a sense of gratitude, allow one to fully live in the moment, and an appreciation of experience without the desire of ownership or the false need to accumulate more and more.
Desires as *false needs* leads to suffering.
#schopenhauer #transhumanism #prettygnosticmachine
Fuck, Patton was one nasty shitbag of a human being.
Ever read some of the shit this guy said about Jews?
So much for the greatest generation.
The greatest generation of Christian moral poseurs that laid the foundation for this monument of division and dissociation that has become America.
Killing your father and fucking your mother is the only solution at this point.
Kill and fuck accordingly!
#lilithsophiacomingonthecloudsofmydaat #gnosticism #kulturkampf #prettygnosticmachine
Or, as Hegel put it:
"Every activity of mind is nothing but a distinct mode of reducing what is external to the inwardness which mind itself is, and it is only by this reduction, by this idealization or assimilation, of what is external that it becomes and is mind.... This material, in being seized by the “I,” … loses its isolated, independent existence and receives a spiritual one. "
My struggle is now YOUR STRUGGLE my Pretty Gnostic Machine.
#apocatastasis #prettygnosticmachine #gnosticism
What Banged the Bigness?
I don’t know about you, but trying to visualize something with infinite mass and density, and zero volume is an endeavor that just doesn’t seem to be worth the energy it consumes.
Thank the Goddess that the SOMETHING MORE that began the Universe didn’t have such objections.
#gnosticism #prettygnosticmachine
I am a living, breathing Dionysian-rhapsodizing, Nietzschean-heretical, punk-vulgar, goth-macabre, psychedelically preposterous, Zappa-satirical, gnostic-psychonautic, quasi-Beatnik monument to Allen Ginsberg’s dictum of “First Thought, Best Thought.”
And his book of collected poems was the first book I willingly read cover to cover.
"Do you know what you are?
You are what you is
You is what you am
A cow don't make ham
An' that's all it is "
#allenginsberg #frankzappa #prettygnosticmachine
Duran Duran Gnosticized!
Burning the (Demiurgic) ground,
I break from the crowd
I'm on the hunt, I'm after you
I smell like I sound,
I'm lost and I'm (Sophianic) found
And I'm hungry like the (Gnostic) wolf.
#gnosticism #PrettyGnosticMachine
#duranduran #hungrylikethewolf #gnosticism #prettygnosticmachine
Either way you cut it, the existence of MIND is irrefutable, whether it’s in you or outside you, making either the Universe or you (most likely both) a God/dess.
#pandeism #germanidealism #prettygnosticmachine