Way back that Pretty Hate Machine!
Nine Inch Nails - Down In It (R-Rated Video)
Before you can be Sophianically up above it,
You must be Demiurgically
#NineInchNails #PrettyHateMachine
#IJustMadeYouUpToHurtKnow Myself
#nineinchnails #prettyhatemachine #trentreznor #moderngnosticism #gnosis #tikkunolam #apocatastasis #prettygnosticmachine #thezappareznorharmonicoscillator #thetheateranditsgnosticdouble #ijustmadeyouuptohurtknow #strapondildos
Trent Reznor’s Conflicted Rust Belt Legacy - Belt Magazine
#NIN #PrettyHateMachine came out in 1989, while I was in the high school. I listened to that cassette so many times that you could no longer read what was printed on it. I wore it out, and had to buy a second copy. This is an interesting article about Trent Reznor's family's history in Appalachia.
Ok.. so think I FINALLY understand what my spouse hears when I’m listening to #PrettyHateMachine lol
There might be a reason I haven’t listened to #Nevermind in 30+ years🖤my level of angst never got that high?🌈& also grew up on pop
I tend to go more for yelling at #aka #DMX #Tupac vs screaming😇but thanks for sharing; it was #enlightening💗✨💫 somebody will love it:)
#prettyhatemachine #nevermind #aka #dmx #tupac #enlightening