Today is #InternationalOverdoseAwarenessDay.
On August 31 every year, we come together to remember our loved ones lost to overdose and to call for action to end overdose.
It's time to spread the word!
Overdose can happen to anyone, regardless of background or circumstance. It can occur whether a person is experiencing drug dependence or not. It can strike when a contaminated substance is taken or even during a first-time drug use. It can happen to people using prescription drugs. It affects the young and old, and everyone in between, anywhere in the world. Overdose does not discriminate.
Let's shatter the stigma surrounding overdose.
Together, let's work towards a world free from overdose harm.
Learn more about IOAD:
#internationaloverdoseawarenessday #ioad #endoverdose #endthestigma #preventable #ioad23 #ioad2023
Hostess met a hefty fine,
For safety and training declined,
An employee’s finger was gone,
With a preventable amputation borne,
The result of negligence and negligence alone,
Their carelessness will never be condoned.
#hostess #fined #preventable #amputation #worker #safety #poetry
#hostess #fined #preventable #amputation #worker #safety #poetry
Global News BC: Langford Fire responds to 7 fires in 7 days caused by cigarette butts #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #LangfordFireRescue #BCWildfireService #VancouverIsland #cigarettebutts #7fires7days #preventable #Cigarette #Langford #FireBan #Smoking #Canada #Butts
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #langfordfirerescue #bcwildfireservice #vancouverisland #cigarettebutts #7fires7days #preventable #cigarette #langford #fireban #Smoking #Canada #butts
'Policy Murder': Research Shows Poverty Is 4th Leading Cause of Death in US
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"Poverty should be considered a major risk factor for death in the U.S.," argues a new analysis.
Public Domain
Research published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association estimated that poverty was linked...
#poverty #death rate #united states #preventable #risk #greed
#poverty #death #united #preventable #risk #greed
NTSB Chair #JenniferHomendy says #Ohio #trainderailment was 100% #preventable
#preventable #TrainDerailment #ohio #JenniferHomendy
15 pages into @devisridhar’s PREVENTABLE and I’m emotional beyond words. As a doctor who worked throughout the pandemic with NO protective gear (other than surgical masks and cloves), this hits home.
It hits home further having graduated with an MPH degree.
15 pages into @devisridhar’s PREVENTABLE and I’m emotional beyond words. As a doctor who worked throughout the pandemic with NO protective gear (other than surgical masks and cloves), this hits home.
It hits home further having graduated with an MPH degree.
As I finally get round to reading this, I am struck by two things:
1) how much I enjoy the careful processes and language of scientists and
2) What a surreal memory this global pandemic is.
It has now emerged that the disturbed 22 year old who killed 5+ and shot up a nightclub on Saturday in Colorado Springs was arrested last year after a long stand-off with the police for making a bomb threat against his own mother.
No explosives were found. Only guns.
Why the hell was he allowed to keep his guns? #Preventable #OnlyInAmerica #PoliceFailure
#preventable #onlyinamerica #policefailure
Into town this morning to pick up Devi Sridhar's #Preventable from the independent book shop. Now added to the #ReadingPile.
I'm currently reading two of these and another on my #Kindle; that's not wrong, is it?
#kindle #readingpile #preventable
Kids can get Long Covid.
The report 32,000 children living with #LongCovid for more than a year.
We need to #TurnOffTheTap.
#CleanAir in schools.
Clear public messaging.
#investment needed in #biomedicalresearch & #support
#LongCovidKids #Preventable
#preventable #LongCovidKids #support #biomedicalresearch #investment #CleanAir #turnoffthetap #LongCovid