@TechNews no thank you #AMCTheaters. I recently cancelled my #StubAList membership because there's NOTHING TO SEE!! I paid all of 2022 and 2021 despite this problem with hopes that it would change......Guess what, I got used to streaming my movies and I'll just wait.
A price hike isn't going to change that. 🤨
#pricediscrimination #assignedseats #movietheaters #competition #hollywood #movies #amc #1
#amctheaters #stubalist #pricediscrimination #assignedseats #movietheaters #competition #hollywood #movies #amc
Is government #antitrust #enforcement of a nearly 90 year-old law back? If it is, manufacturers/suppliers need to be mindful of their channel #pricing policies. More on this in our #polsinelli update. #pricediscrimination #robinsonpatman
#robinsonpatman #pricediscrimination #polsinelli #pricing #enforcement #AntiTrust
The #FTC had indicated that it was going to re-embrace #pricediscrimination claims under the Robinson Patman Act as part of its ever expanding #antitrust #enforcement regime. Well, folks, here it is. More to come from the #Polsinelli team. https://politi.co/3GtmO5A
#polsinelli #enforcement #AntiTrust #pricediscrimination #ftc
RT @AKarSTL@twitter.com
Interesting piece by Mark Poe, who was on a great panel at last year's @abaantitrust@twitter.com Spring Mtg. With the FTC's renewed vigor and emphasis in #enforcement (FTC Act and beyond), is the Robinson-Patman Act next? #antitrust #pricediscrimination @Polsinelli@twitter.com https://www.thesling.org/as-the-ftc-hints-at-renewed-enforcement-of-therobinson-patman-act-the-usual-dull-knives-come-out/
#enforcement #antitrust #pricediscrimination
Interesting piece by Mark Poe, who was on a great panel at last year's ABA Antitrust Section Spring Meeting. With the FTC's renewed vigor and emphasis in #enforcement (FTC Act and beyond), is the Robinson-Patman Act next? #antitrust #pricediscrimination #Polsinelli
#polsinelli #pricediscrimination #AntiTrust #enforcement
"Most of us are familiar with the way plane ticket prices change based on demand and when you search – but almost anything you buy online might now be subject to the same kind of personalised pricing. As you shop around, businesses can collect data about you, then employ sophisticated analytical tools to ensure you may never actually get the lowest available price. Kat George reveals a few countermeasures." #retail #onlineshopping #data #pricediscrimination #dynamicpricing #profiling
Prices that change by the second: why shopping around for deals online isn’t always worth it | Shopping | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/dec/12/prices-that-change-by-the-second-why-shopping-around-for-deals-online-isnt-always-worth-it
#retail #onlineshopping #data #pricediscrimination #dynamicpricing #profiling
‘Twitter Blue may relaunch at two different price points depending on where you subscribe from.. The premium subscription could cost $11 when purchased via Twitter’s iOS app, or a reduced $7 per month if users subscribe via Twitter’s website. The price disparity is likely an attempt to circumvent the 30 percent commission Apple charges on many in-app purchases.’ https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/8/23499696/twitter-blue-relaunch-7-11-dollars-apple-tax-30-percent-commission #pricediscrimination #price #consumerlaw
#pricediscrimination #price #consumerlaw