How The U.S. Is Finally Taking On Big Pharma
Biden and the Democrats finally implemented something that's been debated for decades — letting Medicare negotiate down the price of drugs.
Now big pharma is suing, calling it extortion. But they make billions charging Americans 3x what they charge in other countries.
#pharma #bribery #confrontation #medicare #negotiation #pricegouging #greed #suffering #immorality
#pharma #bribery #confrontation #medicare #negotiation #pricegouging #greed #suffering #immorality
“Friends of the Court” Ask SCOTUS To Raise Rents
Billionaire real estate interests and conservative megadonors with ties to Supreme Court justices want the high court to end rent stabilization.
#SCOTUS #billionaires #friends #pricegouging #deregulate #homeless #profit #suffering #yachts
#scotus #billionaires #friends #pricegouging #deregulate #homeless #profit #suffering #yachts
The #irony of #OutOfTouch #corporate #capitalism.
#capitalismisascam #CapitalismIsACult #inflation #corporategreed #pricegouging #Greed #RaiseTheWage #livingwage #workersrights
#irony #outoftouch #corporate #capitalism #capitalismisascam #capitalismisacult #inflation #corporategreed #pricegouging #greed #raisethewage #LivingWage #workersrights
So much more than #inflation: It's time to hold #corporations accountable for #greed and #pricegouging
#inflation #corporations #greed #pricegouging
only the very rich can afford to buy housing in America now. government is bribed to back this economic assault. game over.
#gentrification #pricegouging #pricefixing #marketcollapse #housing #homelessness #economicassault #gameover
#gentrification #pricegouging #pricefixing #marketcollapse #housing #homelessness #economicassault #gameover
Governor #Newsom Appoints the First Director of New Oil #Watchdog | California Governor #CAPol #PriceGouging #Petroleum
#newsom #watchdog #CApol #pricegouging #petroleum
Texas charges prisoners 50% more for water as heat wave continues | KUT Radio / NPR #Texas #Prison #PriceGouging #Ethics
#ethics #pricegouging #prison #texas
We Uncovered a Corporate Price-Gouging Conspiracy
#Inflation #pricegouging #CorporateGreed
#Capitalism #CapitalismKills #supportunions #workersrights #wageslavery #inflation #corporategreed #pricegouging #livingwage #RaiseTheWage
#capitalism #capitalismkills #Supportunions #workersrights #wageslavery #inflation #corporategreed #pricegouging #LivingWage #raisethewage
So anyway, #Coles brand tasty #cheese was $9.00 for a 1kg block in 2019 (I know this, because I was experimenting with creating smoked cheese for my people, and I purchased it often). The same Coles brand tasty cheese is now $14.00, despite the "PRICE LOCKED" tag that's been there the whole time.
Temporary price rises due to #COVID lockdowns and the like are to be expected in a market-based economy: shortages make sense when nobody can go to work farming/making/processing/delivering cheese.
However, COVID isn't a thing anymore, according to Western governments and Western "news services".
If COVID is no longer a thing, cheese prices *should* return to 2019 levels (give or take a bit to account for #inflation, #ClimateCatastrophe, #MarketForces, and the like). Yet, cheese prices continue to skyrocket.
Please excuse my economic illiteracy here, but if a previous crisis is no longer a crisis, your pricing should stabilise, so that your customers don't have to choose between medication and food.
#coles #cheese #covid #inflation #climatecatastrophe #marketforces #pricegouging #fuckthesecunts
National Rent Control? It’s Closer Than You Think.
A historic wave of tenant organizing is on the verge of winning renter protections that would be attached to federal loans—affecting 1 in 4 apartments. But Greystar, Blackstone, and AvalonBay are spending millions to block it.
They're a part of a coalition of massive landlords, baks, and investors who are pooling resources to block rent control and renter protection policies.
One of the biggest landlord industry lobbying groups is called the National Multifamily Housing Council. That group has spent almost $10 million lobbying against rent control.
Despite this opposition, we're seeing one of the largest upticks in tenant organizing since the 1970s, as renters across the country face worsening housing crisis. Groups like KC Tenants are at the forefront of this movement, fighting to stop unfair rent hikes and corporate slumlords..
#pricegouging #pricefixing #abusiverent #slumlords #economicassault #tenantorganizing #renterprotection #rentcontrol #rent
#pricegouging #pricefixing #abusiverent #slumlords #economicassault #TenantOrganizing #renterprotection #rentcontrol #rent
HOUSING: Police State and Class War!
a sick society...
In this clip from his "Thinking Out Loud" series, Double D discusses the eviction of "Mom's for Housing" and how it reflects the purpose of militarized police as agents of capital in a class war against working people. He reinforces the idea that police do not exist to protect people, but rather to protect private property. He analyzes how housing has ceased to be viewed as an essential need, but rather as a commodity to be used in investment portfolios.
#eviction #pricegouging #investmentproperty #housing #shelter #houseless #structuralviolence #violencenotassistance
#eviction #pricegouging #investmentproperty #housing #shelter #houseless #structuralviolence #violencenotassistance
for capitalist labor abuse
AI isn't competing for your job, your boss just sees you as another cost to cut.
#capitalism #dehumanizing #scapegoat #costcutting #slavelabor #pricegouging #greed #antisocial #suffering #manipulation #manufacturingconsent #distraction
#capitalism #dehumanizing #scapegoat #costcutting #slavelabor #pricegouging #greed #antisocial #suffering #manipulation #manufacturingconsent #distraction
profit and paywall maintenance for the class war: $4/gallon, starvation and food insecurity.
#production #dumpingmilk #starvingchildren #pricegouging #paywall #classwar
#production #dumpingmilk #starvingchildren #pricegouging #paywall #classwar
Looking at the game prices in the steam summer sale. These are the prices I would have thought reasonable as FULL Price when they were first released. It's been a while and this is a sale, I am most certainly not prepared to pay £45 for a 25% off game. No way, no how. They can forget it. I'm either looking in cdkeys or I'm getting on my ship and rising the black flag. To be honest I can't be doing with the hassle so I may just give up being a gamer. #costofliving #pricegouging #videogames
#videogames #pricegouging #costofliving
How One Drug Could Break America’s Health Care System - YouTube
American healthcare is so broken, and only really benefits BigPharma. All hey care about is ever-increasing profits, not actual human health. And this won't change thanks to corporate finance of the political system. AKA legalised corruption.
#Healthcare #PriceGouging #Capitalism #PredatoryCapitalism #Corruption #Oligopoly
#healthcare #pricegouging #capitalism #predatorycapitalism #corruption #oligopoly