Foreign investment in domestic residential real estate is an international clusterfuck. Maybe wind that shit back!
#pricemanipulation #poverty #regulatehousing
What!? That cartel that manipulates the production of oil to maintain high prices is, again, manipulating production to maintain high prices? Well, colour me shocked!
#opec #oilcartel #crudeoil #pricemanipulation
#ForksandAltcoins #communityvote #pricemanipulation #TONblockchain TON Community Freezes Over 1 Billion Toncoins Across 171 Wallets: The TON blockchain community, which was created as part of the digital currency project for Telegram, recently held a vote to freeze 171 wallets that collectively hold more than 1 billion Toncoins. The freeze was implemented to safeguard against potential shocks and prevent any price manipulation of Toncoin.
The 171 dormant wallets on…
#forksandaltcoins #communityvote #pricemanipulation #tonblockchain
BonqDAO protocol suffers $120M loss after oracle hack - An oracle hack allowed the exploiter to manipulate the price of t... - #blockchainsecurity #pricemanipulation #on-chainanalysis #allianceblock #wrappedtokens #oracleattack #peckshield #bonqdao #bridge #oracle #beur #albt
#albt #beur #oracle #bridge #bonqdao #peckshield #oracleattack #wrappedtokens #allianceblock #on #pricemanipulation #blockchainsecurity
Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX, Alameda Were Accused of Conspiracy, Racketeering, and Market Manipulation 3 Years Before FTX Collapsed
#BitcoinManipulationAbatement #FTXSamBankman-Fried #pricemanipulation #Cryptocurrencies #SamBankman-Fried #AlamedaResearch #CarolineEllison #CaseDismissed #ChangpengZhao #ConstanceWang #DismissedCase #FTXBankruptcy
#BitcoinManipulationAbatement #ftxsambankman #pricemanipulation #cryptocurrencies #SamBankman #AlamedaResearch #CarolineEllison #CaseDismissed #ChangpengZhao #ConstanceWang #DismissedCase #FTXBankruptcy
South Korean prosecutors accuse Do Kwon of manipulating Terra's price - Prosecutors have reportedly secured a "messenger conversation" in... - #koreanbroadcastingsystem #lunafoundationguard #pricemanipulation #terraformlabs #arrestwarrant #prosecution #passport #dokwon
#dokwon #passport #prosecution #arrestwarrant #terraformlabs #pricemanipulation #lunafoundationguard #koreanbroadcastingsystem
South Korean prosecutors accuse Do Kwon of manipulating Terra's price
#KoreanBroadcastingSystem #LunaFoundationGuard #PriceManipulation #TerraformLabs #ArrestWarrant #Prosecution #Passport #DoKwon
#KoreanBroadcastingSystem #lunafoundationguard #pricemanipulation #terraformlabs #arrestwarrant #prosecution #passport #dokwon
Moola Market attacker returns most of $9M looted for $500K bounty
#pricemanipulation #lendingprotocol #protocolattack #cryptolending #web3security #Moolamarket #bugbounty #tokenswap #attacker #exploit #celo #hack #MOO
#pricemanipulation #lendingprotocol #protocolattack #cryptolending #web3security #Moolamarket #bugbounty #Tokenswap #attacker #Exploit #Celo #hack #moo
Mango Markets exploiter said actions were ‘legal,’ but was it?
#cryptomarketmanipulation #pricemanipulation #AvrahamEisenberg #legalliability #Mangomarkets #DAOproposal #cryptolaw #exploit #solana #hacker #hacked
#CryptoMarketManipulation #pricemanipulation #AvrahamEisenberg #legalliability #MangoMarkets #DAOproposal #Cryptolaw #Exploit #solana #Hacker #hacked
Decentralized exchange GMX suffers $565K price manipulation 'exploit'
#PriceManipulation #ZeroPriceImpact #MinimalSpread #DEXExploit #0%Slippage #JoshuaLim #GMX
#pricemanipulation #ZeroPriceImpact #MinimalSpread #DEXExploit #JoshuaLim #gmx
We've all been taught that for every buyer their must be a seller, right? Well not exactly.
Enter a #cartel.
If a cartel serves almost every single online #bitcoinExchange, as does #Cloudflare, then at the very least they can #frontRun trades.
Beyond that they can do a range of things at key moments to manipulate prices that would make true #priceDiscovery far more difficult — maybe impossible.
#priceManipulation #cloudflareIsTheMalware #microTransactions #algorithmicTrading
#cartel #bitcoinexchange #cloudflare #frontRun #priceDiscovery #pricemanipulation #cloudflareIsTheMalware #microtransactions #algorithmicTrading