Gizmodo: Shell Backtracks on Greenwashing, Renews Commitment to Drill, Baby, Drill! #carbonneutrality #steffenkrutzinna #businessfinance #thomasbrostrom #britishbrands #greenwashing #melissaread #environment #fatihbirol #priceofoil #waelsawan #shellusa #shellplc #shell
#carbonneutrality #steffenkrutzinna #businessfinance #thomasbrostrom #britishbrands #greenwashing #melissaread #environment #fatihbirol #priceofoil #waelsawan #shellusa #shellplc #shell
Keep up the good work decarbonizing your lives so our children can inherit a stable climate. As long as the #PriceOfOil is going down that means that we're driving down the demand for it.
I've not made it into a lasting habit yet, but I hope to post the #PriceOfOil each day.
The reason to do this is because it is the very best metric to monitor the impact of our #ClimateAction. We're doing the right things when the value of oil decreases. We need to make it worthless just as fast as we each possibly can!