"A key thing to remember
The ongoing situation in #Russia is mostly, almost entirely, reported on by Russian sources. Non-credible Telegram and other social media accounts are flooding the infosphere with unconfirmed statements, describing situations and actions without even basic evidence, with the majority basing its reports on nothing."
#russia #wagnercoup #Wagner #prigozhn #putin
But while #Prigozhn himself was nothing but a sorry clown with absolutly no power and (almost) no friends in russian politics, should the fact that a significant part of the russian public is cheering to Nazis & war criminals scare just the shit out of us.
This really is something you can't fix by sending one guy into exile.
"Stoppt nun die #Nationalgarde die revolutionierenden #Wagner-Söldner, dann dürfte damit die Position von #Putin gestärkt werden. Schließlich würde die ihm unterstellte Streitkraft #Prigoschin [ #Prigozhn ] aufhalten – und nicht die reguläre Armee von #Schoigu. Putin würde damit demonstrieren, dass er die Macht in #Russland in den Händen hält."
#nationalgarde #Wagner #putin #Prigoschin #prigozhn #Schoigu #russland
"The grim reality is that #Putin’s most dangerous potential opposition today comes not from the pro-western liberals but from the nationalist right."
Unclear situation in #Russia as of now ( #Wagner / #Prigozhn / #Rostov ) but I suspect the power of the ultra-nationalist will eventually fade from now on.
But the system there is in deep trouble as it has no more friends within the society.
Still I think the "coup" is staged to solve some urgent worries.
#putin #russia #Wagner #prigozhn #Rostov
Listen closely to what this expert (from 8:33) has to say about the #Wagner / #Prigozhn / #Putin / #Russia - Situation:
Fighters from Wagner who did serve their time in the war in #Ukraine will now (most likely) be arrested & send back to fight there (instead of beeing free).
Exactly the kind of "catch22" shit war ALWAYS brings.
#Wagner #prigozhn #putin #russia #ukraine
Here is the location (48.600137,38.032583) #Prigozhn, head of the #Wagner terrorist group, has been hiding near #Bakhmut for two months, occasionally entering the city and making videos .The site is said to be a tunnel connected to the 200-kilometer line of #Soledar Salt mines
#prigozhn #wagner #bakhmut #soledar