De Russische schrijver Zakhar Prilepin is wakker geworden uit zijn kunstmatige coma. Dat meldt de gouverneur van de regio Nizjni Novgorod, waar #Prilepin gisteren werd verwond door een autobom. Zijn chauffeur kwam bij die aanslag om het leven.
Volgens zijn artsen is de toestand van Prilepin stabiel.
De #Russen zeggen een verdachte te hebben gearresteerd in verband met de aanslag. Die zou volgens de Russen in opdracht van de Oekraïense geheime dienst hebben gehandeld.
Today, Zakhar #Prilepin got blown up in his car (he's in serious condition). In Ru, Prilepin is a writer w political ambitions, in the West, he's an acclaimed Ru novelist, whose books have been translated into 25 languages. In Ukr, he's, above all, a murdering invader who's admitted to killing "many people" in Donbas after 2014. The fact that he's all these things is an indictment of Ru's descent into fascism. That he gets invited to book fairs in the West is a crying shame.
Despite having boasted about killing Ukrainians in Russia's war against #Ukraine since 2014, terrorist Zakhar #Prilepin had been allowed to promote his books on the Frankfurt book fair in Germany in 2018. However, karma – allegedly in the form of Ukrainian partisans – has caught up with him and a bomb exploded under his Audi Q7 in Russia. He has been hospitalized.
It is reported that the famous 🇷🇺 pro-Z writer, nationalist politician and militant Zakhar #Prilepin has been seriously injured—both legs broken—as a result of a car bomb explosion in Bor, Nizhegorodskaya oblast. His driver, a 🇺🇦 citizen, has died.
Do you remember how #Dudayev said that #Russia asks for a #truce only in order to accumulate strength and attack again? Here, the crazy underwriter #Prilepin burned all the cards on the air with his #propagandist friends.
#propagandist #prilepin #truce #Russia #dudayev