Kotaku: Short Baldur’s Gate 3 Players Can’t Properly Kiss Their Loves https://kotaku.com/baldurs-gate-3-short-people-problems-karlach-gnome-kiss-1850740931 #gaming #tech #kotaku #dungeonsdragonsmonsters #roleplayingvideogames #dungeonsdragons #larianstudios #vitellifamily #jessevitelli #baldursgate #primagames #tiefling #kotaku #gnome
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #dungeonsdragonsmonsters #roleplayingvideogames #dungeonsdragons #larianstudios #vitellifamily #jessevitelli #baldursgate #primagames #tiefling #gnome
These two #PrimaGames #guides for #ESO came with maps.
Would you folks be interested in seeing them? I can try to get a half decent shot to share here...
Or maybe share some artwork from the books? Not all, there's a thing as ©opyright 😉 but if you look for a certain character, I could try to find it and take a picture of their page. 😊
#primagames #guides #eso #shareyourgames #gaming #ps4 #ps5 #playstation
Two #ESO #guides I have.
I just got an offer by @AstronomerEric to learn how to Elder Scroll 😉
Guides are made by #PrimaGames
#eso #guides #morrowind #summerset #primagames #shareyourgames #gaming #theelderscrollsonline