In Kentucky many public schools start the new year this week.
I am reminded of this photo of myself on day 1 of starting East End Primary School, Elgin, Scotland in 1972.
I am the very dark haired boy peaking out of the back of the crowd of kids in front of my very tall Mum.

#primarySchool #school #eastendprimary #Elgin

Last updated 1 year ago

Yes, when talking to the average Joe on the street. Linux is fine. They'll come to you later.

But educators teaching 20-somethings should instill an appreciation for .

The likely reason they don't is , etc.

It starts at .

Was talking to a boomer recently who happened to drop info about it.

@Rosamonde @r @bagofshit

#freedomBasedComputing #corporatecapture #corporateSponsorship #primarySchool #FreeMacsForSchool #Freetardation #smoking #freetard #cigarettes #cancer

Last updated 4 years ago