In case you missed it, the keynote presentation from Maths Play's first in-person conference is now available to view on-demand.
In this keynote, Laureate Professor Marilyn Fleer demonstrates how imagination (jumping into a story) can build imagination in STEM learning (solving a maths problem to help the characters).
Enjoy this 4-part session and count it as an hour of professional development:
Part 1: Engagement in mathematics
Part 2: A Conceptual PlayWorld in Years Foundation and 1
Part 3: A Conceptual PlayWorld in Years 5 and 6
Part 4: Why imagination matters
Access keynote recording and all supporting resources here:
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Hello! I’m Stephen Davies, a children’s author based in London, UK.
I’m looking forward to getting involved with Mastodon’s #WritingCommunity and #childrensbooks enthusiasts, sharing recommendations of new books by other authors as well as promoting my own.
I write #picturebooks, #chapterbooks, #MGbooks and #YAbooks, and love all things #ancientegypt. Hoping to make some friends on this new (to me) platform.
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Awesome day of #structuredinquiry in #mathseducation #primaryteachers
#structuredinquiry #mathseducation #primaryteachers