#OnThisDay First portable #CellPhone call was made (1973) by Martin Cooper of #Motorola.
Birth Anniversary of #Actor Marlon Brando (1924).
Happy Birthday English #Primatologist and #Anthropologist Jane Goodall (1934).
Happy Birthday Eddie Murphy (1961).
#actor #anthropologist #primatologist #motorola #CellPhone #onthisday
The Thinking #Atheist
#Primates and #Prejudice:
#FransdeWaal is a world-reknowned #primatologist, author, and educator with decades studying the #animalkingdom. He joins Seth Andrews for insights about #primatebehavior in chimps, gorillas, bonobos, humans, and beyond.
#atheist #primates #prejudice #fransdewaal #primatologist #animalkingdom #primatebehavior