@donsbot oops, I think my reply went astray below?!
Here's a bit of a thread with some resource links which may be of interest to you
Hi Dan, I mentioned your game #primeclimb today on here, a person was asking advice for their 6yo who appears to love maths ideas https://mastodon.nz/@meganisalanis/109409143756536155
@Axman6 hi - jeepers social media can be wonderful. I did a toot tagging the creator of #primeclimb and he has sent a range of links which may be of interest to you
Hi Dan, I mentioned your game #primeclimb today on here, a person was asking advice for their 6yo who appears to love maths ideas https://mastodon.nz/@meganisalanis/109409143756536155
I did write up these rules for #PrimeClimb with younger players! Could that help?
Hi Dan, I mentioned your game #primeclimb today on here, a person was asking advice for their 6yo who appears to love maths ideas
@Axman6 hi, I teach 9-11 year olds and love #maths myself.
Here are some fun and open challenges you could explore :
#OpenMiddle problems - website is packed with examples
#wodb site - open thinking, range of topics
#wouldyourather #primeclimb is a great fun board game
#Mathssnacks videos and games
Best wishes, I hope your child stays keen 🤩
#maths #openmiddle #wodb #youcubed #nrich #wouldyourather #primeclimb #mathssnacks #sudoku