Heute #Sondersendung auf #RTL zur #Primetime :
"RTL Aktuell Spezial: Extremhitze am Mittelmeer - Urlaub im Glutofen Südeuropa"
Man darf gespannt sein ...
#Servicetröt #Klimakatastrophe
#Sondersendung #RTL #primetime #servicetrot #klimakatastrophe
The Irish dairy industry right now
#tvtipp zur #primetime das rasant-unterhaltsame Netflix-Original "Die Mitchells gegen die Maschinen" 20:15 Uhr @Sat.1
The only positive I see in relation to #RTE is how thoroughly it has been reporting on its own scandal.
#PrimeTime did a great break down on how RTE was using Renault to pay Ryan Tubrity and Paul Cunningham has been reporting on it extensively.
Could you imagine #FoxNews covering a scandel of its own making in the same way?
It is infuriating listening to the lobbyists and politicians of #irish #farming complain on #rte #primetime about the financial cost of #EU #legislation - legislation aiming to lessen our *ongoing*, catastrophic biodiversity loss and worsening environmental collapse.
This is the very greed that destroyed Irish #biodiversity.
It is just not acceptable, and the Irish gov. and people need to stand up to people who reuse to end their polluting and destructive ways.
#irish #farming #rte #primetime #eu #legislation #biodiversity
What did you expect? That Fuck News would suddenly produce something worth watching?
#FuckNews #FoxNews #FakeNews #TuckerCarlson #FuckerTartson #primetime #news #satire
#fucknews #foxnews #fakenews #tuckercarlson #fuckertartson #primetime #news #satire
You are the #RTE flagship investigative journalism program, you have Terry Prone on national telly and you're asking softball questions about Tubridy getting bungs under the table instead of your first and only question being "how many babies' bodies were in that sewer there Terry?"
Fucking waste of electricity is #primetime
Wieso kommt eigentlich eine #Doku von @ZDF über die #Ukraine ,also dem #Krieg mitten in der Nacht irgdendwo auf #ZDF Info?
Das würde eigentlich in die #Primetime gehören auf ZDf, bei den Bildungsstand und Faschismus von #CDU und #AFD...
Da würden die vielleicht nicht so eine scheiße labern, was die immer tun...
Sorry geht gerade nicht netter, aber tut halt nur noch weh, wenn man die hört...
Wenn man das gesehen hat, verstehen auch vielleicht die, die es heuchlerisch finden, wenn sogar die #Grünen Waffen liefern wollen, die ja sonst eher gegen sind.
Das die meisten garantiert nicht zum Beispiel nach #Deutschland abgehauen sind, weil es hier so toll ist.
Dokureihe heißt Tatort Ukraine, falls es in der #Mediathek gibt und es wer sehen will.
#doku #ukraine #krieg #zdf #primetime #cdu #afd #grunen #deutschland #mediathek
Broncos likely won't be eligible for 'Thursday Night Football' flexing in 2023
Broncos Wire
#ThursdayNightFootball #BroncosBuzz #GregPenner #PrimeTime #TNF
#thursdaynightfootball #broncosbuzz #gregpenner #primetime #tnf
@WataruTenkawa My wife and I started out that way long before our marriage. Lots of talking/sharing and hanging out. No different now, as we celebrate our 19th anniversary this week.
Cheers to you and yours.
Listening to #RTE #primetime (+1), I am stuck by just how similar Irish gov. ministers are to US tech company executives in their views.
They both try to grow US tech company profits regardless of anything else, including EU/Irish law: data protection, tax, employment, ...
#SinnFein are going to walk the next election in #Ireland - increasingly, I can not imagine how they could do any worse than #FF #FG.
#rte #primetime #sinnfein #ireland #ff #fg
Rumor: Laura #Ingraham may be out at #FoxNews - no longer in #primetime lineup.
She’s going to blow up #onlyfans
She does like dark meat.
#onlyfans #primetime #foxnews #ingraham
@VeryBadLlama guess what?
#Mainsteam #MassMedia love #StochasticTerrorism as doing #PropagandaOfTheDeed will get more copycats and also boost ratings.
This is the unique problem with #ConsequenceFreeSpeech in the #USA!
Other places don't have this issue not due to lack of guns or regulations but because media can't just #hategroom people imat #primetime.
#primetime #hategroom #USA #consequencefreespeech #propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterrorism #massmedia #mainsteam
The revolution won’t be televised because it won’t happen until the poors can no longer afford #TV sets.
When their #brains become unwrapped from #primetime pap, they’ll look around, realize how shitty their #existence is, and start building #guillotines.
Keep gouging rich bitches. You’ll only accelerate the inevitable.
#tv #brains #primetime #existence #guillotines
I see the Junior Minister for Something Else Entirely is being trotted out on #PrimeTime about the eviction ban fiasco.
It's irksome when Callan's Kicks is used as an _actual script_ by the gombeenment instead of being satire.
#PrimeTime #AmazonPrime #PrimeVideoUK #streaming #TheTake #BastilleDay #IdrisElba #RichardMadden #JamesWatkins #CharlotteLeBon #action #filmastodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #movies #cinema #film
#primetime #amazonprime #primevideouk #Streaming #thetake #bastilleday #idriselba #richardmadden #jameswatkins #charlottelebon #action #filmastodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #movies #cinema #film