Done! Now to let them dry a few hours before I put them away in plastic contains on the “ready to paint” shelf.
#Miniatures #priming #StarWars #StarWarsShatterpoint #Shatterpoint
#miniatures #priming #starwars #starwarsshatterpoint #shatterpoint
Okay, one more coat in a few minutes and then 20 minutes to dry then these go in. Then I’m done with priming today!
#Miniatures #priming #StarWars #StarWarsShatterpoint #Shatterpoint
#miniatures #priming #starwars #starwarsshatterpoint #shatterpoint
Very nice. Time for the other set.
#Miniatures #priming #StarWars #StarWarsShatterpoint #Shatterpoint
#miniatures #priming #starwars #starwarsshatterpoint #shatterpoint
Okay, one more coat I think then let it dry for 20 minutes before bringing them inside.
#Miniatures #priming #StarWars #StarWarsShatterpoint #Shatterpoint
#miniatures #priming #starwars #starwarsshatterpoint #shatterpoint
It begins. It’s not bad out today. Like mid 70s and not super sunny.
#Miniatures #priming #StarWars #StarWarsShatterpoint #Shatterpoint
#miniatures #priming #starwars #starwarsshatterpoint #shatterpoint
Probably going to do some priming today if the weather holds up.
#Miniatures #priming #StarWars #StarWarsShatterpoint #Shatterpoint
#miniatures #priming #starwars #starwarsshatterpoint #shatterpoint
Wie hartnäckig tägliches #Priming und #Framing unsere #Hirnzellen deformiert, konnte ich heute früh mal wieder bewußt reflektieren:
Ich lese:
"Wie die Chinesen unser Ökosystem zerstören."
Da stand:
"Wie Chemieriesen unser Ökosystem zerstören."
Death Troopers and Fleet Troopers primed.
#starwars #starwarslegion #priming #miniatures
Final priming for today. Still have a lot more to go through.
It’s a obelisks thingy from Warhammer 40k. I’m sure someone who actually plays Warhammer would know what it is. I grabbed it because I thought it looked cool.
P.S. it’s so hot out here 🥵
#warhammer #warhammer40k #miniatures #priming
Ich habe so viel Spaß mit dem #priming von #chatgpt. Tatsächlich unterscheiden sich die Ergebnisse erheblich. In meinem Bekanntenkreis wird immer mehr über die Angst vor #künstlicherintelligenz gesprochen. Ich denke auch, dass es Risiken gibt, sehe aber auch Chancen, die in meinem Umfeld abgelehnt werden.
#priming #chatgpt #kunstlicherintelligenz
Rebel Troopers, Vader, and Luke primed with grey. Forgot to take a pic when it was still outside. Oh well.
#starwars #starwarslegion #miniatures #priming
Stormtroopers and Shoretroopers are primed.
#starwars #priming #starwarslegion #miniatures
Having got a regiment down this week - I need to prime some mini projects (I should have a exciting but very busy week(s) ahead).
Some #minis that have been stripped recently, a crew for a cannon, a couple of Goblins, and James Graham himself to lead the Irish. Lots of fun stuff to paint here.
#Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Miniatures #Heroquest #Painting #Priming #WarlordGames
#minis #warhammer #warhammercommunity #miniatures #heroquest #painting #priming #WarlordGames
Does anyone know of studies that show (or suggest) that #language processing in #L1 is being influenced by properties of a second language (L2)? I am looking for evidence on online processing, not just structural #priming; e.g., something like the parsing of subject vs object relative clauses in L1 being influenced by L2 (this is just a made-up example). #psycholinguistics #neurolinguistics #CognitiveNeuroscience #cognitivescience
#language #l1 #priming #psycholinguistics #neurolinguistics #CognitiveNeuroscience #cognitivescience
Had a feeling when Xi was🚫😷 in Bali since he sets #agenda #China
They are definitely #priming & pushing #propaganda #narrative #omicron is mild
I don’t have the #science to prove this, but these new variants I think are deadlier & usually my #intuition is right. Even if it’s not, #precautionaryPrinciple is always the way to go w/ #infectious #diseases
#agenda #china #priming #propaganda #narrative #omicron #Science #Intuition #PrecautionaryPrinciple #infectious #diseases
What would you think if the new restaurant you booked advertised "No rats!" when you arrived?
All you need to do is put the idea out there and it becomes part of your thinking. That's the 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 effect.
The GOP knows the mere fact there is an investigation into a laptop or the legitimacy of an election is enough to circulate doubt.
#priming #manipulation #gop #gqp #biden #hunter #hunterbiden #joebiden #Negotiation #Politics #Rhetoric #Conversation #Words #Psychology #Persuasion
#persuasion #psychology #words #conversation #rhetoric #politics #negotiation #JoeBiden #hunterbiden #hunter #biden #GQP #GOP #manipulation #priming
is another paper that was fun to do.
The title pretty much sums it up "Older adults get #masked #emotion #priming for happy but not angry faces: evidence for a #positivity #effect in early perceptual processing of emotional signals" We conducted 2 masked priming expts & to explain the results, suggested that older adults use an early attention orienting strategy that favours processing of happy expressions 😃 at the expense of angry ones 😠
#effect #positivity #priming #emotion #masked