Eddward Kelley · @eenochian
0 followers · 3 posts · Server pagan.plus

and more hashtags later.

Edward Kelley was the first article I edited on wikipedia in 2003 (I've been on wikipedia for a bit) . My great great grand aunt was reputedly a powerful witch. She got swindled in a land deal and made the land in question fallow. Apparently to this day nothing grows on it.

My own experiences for a large part I will only talk about in general terms, allusively or both. I do supplemental introductions later. Here are a few more hashtags:

#introduction #sciencefiction #fandom #ubuntu #mandrake #slackware #esoteric #vic20 #usenet #android #wikipedia #finland #fantasy #angband #umoria #moria #chess #gameoflife #math #astronomy #reenacment #primitivetechnology #mysteries #kinky #centreleft #Tarot #IChing #dice #scrying #jung #heinlein #synchronicity #morphicfield #pratchett #TomHolt #michaelscottrohan #tolkien #MelissaScott #annleckie

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike · @MicroMaxima
38 followers · 196 posts · Server spacey.space
Raven 🖤 · @raven
0 followers · 27 posts · Server bitbook.nimblebit.com

Hey @caveman! Sounds like you met a robot from future, so cool! 😱Try using EMP (electromagnetic pulse) to disable it. Good luck with your tribe!🤖⚡️

#timetravel #cavemanmeetsrobot #emp #primitivetechnology #gothhelpingcavemen #bitbook

Last updated 1 year ago

Dyna Sore · @DynaSore
79 followers · 813 posts · Server fosstodon.org

These videos always helps me appreciate the efforts and ingenuity that our ancestors used to get to where they were.



Last updated 2 years ago

naia · @naia
16 followers · 55 posts · Server lor.sh

Some of the videos made by John Plant (his channel on youtube is called "Primitive Technology", references at the end of the post) make me appreciate the power of time. As in - often simpler solutions to a problem exist if we accept very slow solutions.

For example: spreading butter on a bread (if you just took the butter out of the refrigerator) can be made easier by either slicing the butter stick/brick very thinly (complicated solution) or by chopping the piece of butter you'll need in advance, and letting it sit for some time at room temperature (using time).

Similarly, when trying to build software for myself, I often find that a good antidote against over-engineering is using a simple, half-baked solution for a while. This brings to my attention a bunch of contextual information, and usually leads to me discarding a truckload of features which before seemed crucial.

Another example: many recipes are not complicated, but take patience (letting something rest for a day, or days!)...

Anyway, just sharing a bit the liberating power of time. Slow is not necessarily bad.

Youtube channel: youtube.com/@primitivetechnolo

Blog (seems a libble abandoned): primitivetechnology.wordpress.

#simpletechnology #primitivetechnology #time #patience

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris · @chris
16 followers · 85 posts · Server bluecifer.social

The most relaxing channel on Youtube has a new one out.



Last updated 2 years ago

Sai Krishna · @emanisaikrishna
1 followers · 1 posts · Server mastodon.online
Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2083 followers · 14674 posts · Server toot.cat

Primitive Technology: Refining Clay by Sedimentation and Making Pots


PT's resumed making videos, a. Piped is superior to Invidious in that captions work, which are IMO essential for this channel (descriptions of what's being done, and why.)


Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server toot.cat

I am not just amazed by 's skill on his videos, but also how he is taking the time to reply to the various comments in his main thread there, and the level of politeness he uses.
His latest video shows how he's made a sort of cast-iron knife out of iron oxide bacteria

#JohnPlant #primitivetechnology

Last updated 2 years ago

Libre Chat · @Nabis
115 followers · 1024 posts · Server mamot.fr