L’#Armenia ha accusato l’#Azerbaigian di preparare una provocazione militare contro le sue forze concentrando le truppe lungo il confine condiviso dagli acerrimi nemici, vicino alla regione separatista del #Nagorno-#Karabakh. “La situazione politico-militare nella nostra regione è seriamente peggiorata”, ha detto il #primo #ministro Nikol #Pashinyan alla riunione di gabinetto a #Yerevan.
Mio articolo
#armenia #azerbaigian #nagorno #karabakh #primo #ministro #pashinyan #yerevan
#Stazione #servizio #diventa ‘#Alt Stazione #gusto’, a #Roma #primo #ristorante #Enilive https://www.liberoreporter.it/2023/09/ambiente/stazione-servizio-diventa-alt-stazione-gusto-a-roma-primo-ristorante-enilive.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#stazione #servizio #diventa #alt #gusto #roma #primo #ristorante #enilive
Share #Primo records on social media: add #Mastodon and #Bluesky
via @manuschwendener
mentre il #primo #ministro #britannico Rishi #Sunak si unirà ai leader di #Laos, #Cambogia e #Vietnam per affrontare il secondo giorno dell’#ASEAN #Business & #Investment #Summit.2/2
#primo #ministro #britannico #Sunak #laos #Cambogia #vietnam #asean #business #investment #summit
L’#Indonesia ospiterà il 43° vertice #ASEAN dal 5 al 7 settembre 2023 presso il #GiakartaConventionCenter. All’evento parteciperanno 11 leader dei paesi ASEAN, 9 leader o rappresentanti dei paesi partner del dialogo ASEAN tra cui #Cina, #RepubblicadiCorea, #Giappone, #StatiUniti,
#India, #Russia, #Canada e #NazioniUnite, e 9 leader che rappresentano le organizzazioni internazionali.
È previsto l’arrivo anche del #primo #ministro #canadese #Trudeau..1/2
Mio articolo
#indonesia #asean #giakartaconventioncenter #cina #repubblicadicorea #giappone #statiuniti #india #russia #canada #nazioniunite #primo #ministro #canadese #trudeau
João Gomes se pronuncia após ser acusado de agredir primo de 13 anos
#Primo #JoãoGomes #Agressão #Adolescente #ViNoInstagram #Famosos
#primo #joaogomes #agressao #adolescente #vinoinstagram #famosos
Panelist Amma is hooked on #Primo on Amazon Freevee. Freevee has been slept on as a service. Primo is a co-creation of Michael Schur and Shea Serrano - so funny and sweet and surprising. 8 episodes, and you'll want more the second you finish. #GPCDCultureClub #Freevee #TVTime #Podcasts #podcasts #PopCulture #AmazonFreevee #amazon
#amazon #amazonfreevee #popculture #podcasts #tvtime #Freevee #gpcdcultureclub #primo
El #gato Primo y yo con la cara de #ElTerror.
#Primo the #cat and I see the face of #TheTerror.
#Cats #Gatos #CatsOfMastodon #GatosDeMastodon #books #libros #bookstodon #libroverso #novelas #novels #DanSimmons
#caturday #gato #elterror #primo #cat #theterror #cats #gatos #catsofmastodon #gatosdemastodon #books #libros #bookstodon #libroverso #novelas #novels #dansimmons
Aparently Argentinians are good teachers. Thanks to all who helped me to polish this little comic :shrek:
#oyeprimos #oye_primos #primo
❗ Managing Collections - more options for searching and display ⤵️
#Alma #Primo #PrimoVE #CollectionDiscovery
cc @petahopkins
#alma #primo #primove #collectiondiscovery
Yes please to automated SSL/TLS certificate management for #Primo #LibrarySystems
❓ How can I request new collection and data to be added to the #Alma Community Zone, #360KB, #SFX, and the Central #Discovery Index (#CDI) for #Summon and #Primo? https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Knowledge_Articles/How_can_I_request_new_collections_for_Discovery_Indexes_KnowledgeBases_and_the_Alma_Community_Zone #KnowledgeBases #AlmaCZ
#alma #360kb #sfx #discovery #cdi #summon #primo #knowledgebases #almacz
Details: tue17jan23tex / RV's cat Tex and the Strelitzia reginae / Photo strip uit xpPander’s Daily snaps and photo notes - Concept voor een paneel van 180 x 101 cm.
“RV's kat Tex logeert regelmatig in Eemnes. Hier wacht hij geduldig op RV of een van zijn tijdelijke verzorgers.”
#panz #primo #katten #kattenliefhebbers #lapjeskat #cyper #poezen #huiskat #catsofinstagram #cat #cats #catlovers #katzen #katze #katzenliebe #cat #catlife #catlovers #cats
#catlife #katzenliebe #katze #katzen #catlovers #cats #cat #catsofinstagram #huiskat #poezen #cyper #lapjeskat #kattenliefhebbers #katten #primo #panz
In ‘Primo,’ Latino uncles are the superheroes #Primo #Freevee https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2023/05/27/primo-shea-serrano-uncles/
I just finished watching the new TV show “Primo” and it was really delightful.
It has hints of The Wonder Years, a touch of Malcolm In The Middle, a dash of My Name Is Earl, i.e. a slightly heightened reality and various roguish and eccentric characters. I wanted to watch it all over again with a friend, and that's the best kind of recommendation.
VIDEO | #Primo colpo di benna ai ruderi di via Benedetto Croce, il sindaco: "Dopo sessant'anni ricuciamo un altro pezzo della città"
Avviato il cantiere per l'ampliamento del tratto stradale che collega a via Vespucci, la soddisfazione di Masci che parla di ennesimo intervento "inimmaginabile reso possibile da un'amministrazione che le cose le fa"
VIDEO | First bucket blow to the ruins of #ViaBenedettoCroce, the mayor: 'After sixty years we sew up another piece of the city'
The construction site for the widening of the stretch of road connecting #ViaBenedettoCroce to Via Vespucci has begun, the satisfaction of Masci, who speaks of yet another "unimaginable intervention made possible by an administration that gets things done".
23-5-2023 10:56 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/video/abbattimento-ruderi-via-benedetto-croce-collegamento-via-vespucci.html
#primo #viabenedettocroce #ilpescara
"We are going to fill this house with joy or I swear to god I will slit all your throats."
- Drea
Watching each member of the Gonzales family approach life's thresholds open-mindedly to improve themselves was inspirational.
I laughed for hours 🤣🤣
Read Full Review ✨https://www.talkteav.com/post/freevees-primo-a-great-call-back-to-sitcoms-like-familyties-and-roseanne
#Primo #Freeveee #TVShow #sundayfunday
#Movies #TVseries #TVQuotes #TheBronx #sanantonio #texas #family #sunday #popculture #fandom #whattowatch #tvshowreview #sitcoms
#primo #freeveee #tvshow #sundayfunday #movies #tvseries #tvquotes #thebronx #sanantonio #texas #family #sunday #popculture #fandom #whattowatch #tvshowreview #sitcoms
Submitted our proposal, "Showcasing architecture design theses with Alma patron deposits", to IGeLU 2023 Conference and Developers' Day, 11-14 September, 2023! #igelu2023 https://lnkd.in/gh4bK8uA
Collaborating with Bronwyn Linthwaite.
#VirtualPresentation #Alma #Primo #LibrarySystems #DesignTheses
#igelu2023 #virtualpresentation #alma #primo #librarysystems #designtheses
In a guest column by @SheaSerrano , the first-time showrunner and creator of Amazon Freevee's #Primo says writers are asking for reasonable accommodations that help make writing a viable career path:
#primo #writersstrike #wga #press