We're somewhere in the final stretch, putting together the code that will get us to MetroMind. MetroMind...you know...the metro scheduler AI that decided to take over. Because if you can schedule trains, you can schedule a city. 🤷♀️ Let's find out what she has to say foe herself on #Primordia
#Steam has been difficult lately: their UI update at first just didn't work at all for me, but after a couple uninstall/reinstall cycles it seems to work. Now, somehow, I might be locked out of my account? We'll find out tomorrow, I got tired of messing around with it. I've got backup plans for stream if it comes to that. (I got new #watercolor supplies and I'm having a blast painting again, ngl, so might just end up doing that)
We will get back to #Primordia next week though! If I can't get into my account, we're golden, but if not then I'll see if I can at least import the save file to a GoG version. That way we don't have to start over 😰
Sorry for the birdsite screenshot, and sorry for the lack of alt text (the text is just too long).
Tl;dr: Victor Pflug, the artist on Primordia, has been campaigning to gain exclusive control of that game by intimidation, bullying, and legal threats. The other Primordia devs have finally had enough and have taken his bullshit public.
#primordia #adventuregames #wadjeteyegames
❤️ #Live
We met Clarity, now she wants us to go break into the Supreme Court...I mean Tower and find Charity. I guess let's go do that. Maybe then we can get the power core back.
#TwitchStreamer #TwitchAffiliate #Primordia
#live #twitchstreamer #twitchaffiliate #primordia
❤️ #Live
Alright, Gamma, you're very smart. Now help us get this power core. Back to the robotic wastes of #Primordia today! Come hang out with us!
#Twitch #TwitchStreamer
#live #primordia #twitch #twitchstreamer
❤️ #Live
Finally playing #Primordia...as a storm approaches! ⛈️ Excited to delve into this other strangeland and see what it has to offer. Come check it out with us!
#Twitch #TwitchStreamer
#live #primordia #twitch #twitchstreamer
@thedaemon #BlackwellDeception #Primordia #MonkeyIsland2 #DayoftheTentacle #GabrielKnightSinsoftheFathers #BrokenSwordShadowoftheTemplars #SamandMaxHitTheRoad #Harvester #Sanitarium #CurseofMonkeyIsland #KathyRain #IHaveNoMouthAndIMustScream #ThimbleweedPark #FlightoftheAmazonQueen I have even more but this message is already too long lol
#blackwelldeception #primordia #monkeyisland2 #dayofthetentacle #gabrielknightsinsofthefathers #brokenswordshadowofthetemplars #samandmaxhittheroad #Harvester #Sanitarium #CurseofMonkeyIsland #KathyRain #ihavenomouthandimustscream #thimbleweedpark #flightoftheamazonqueen
#GamesIPlayed #Primordia #WadjetEyeGames #WormwoodStudios #PointandClick #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #HoratioNullbuilt
The 50th game I played on my Youtube channel this game I highly recommend I do plan to play it on my #Twitch channel in the future.
#twitch #horationullbuilt #adventuregames #adventuregame #pointandclick #WormwoodStudios #WadjetEyeGames #primordia #GamesIPlayed
Jag läste någonstans att tv-spelet #Primordia ska bli tv-serie på Netflix eller något. Nu hittar jag inte artikeln men det SKA BLI RIKTIGT SPÄNNANDE ATT FÖLJA!
Primordia är ett peka-klicka-spel med en riktigt häftig och stämningsfull setting. Älskar den.
@ramon_wilhelm #SimontheSorcerer #ThimbleweedPark #BlackwellSaga by #WadjetEyeGames #Primordia #FlightoftheAmazonQueen #IHaveNoMouthAndIMustScream #Harvester #TheWardrobe #Sanitarium #KathyRain #BrokenSword #LittleMisfortune
#littlemisfortune #brokensword #KathyRain #Sanitarium #thewardrobe #Harvester #ihavenomouthandimustscream #flightoftheamazonqueen #primordia #WadjetEyeGames #blackwellsaga #thimbleweedpark #simonthesorcerer
Replaying #Primordia after 10 years of its release, on a 65” TV, with the whole family. My favorite point and click adventure game of all time. Amazing story, atmosphere, music, characters, narration, humor and multiple endings. The kids loved this devastated world with its lovable characters and moral dilemmas. We kept discussing the story for days. #pointandclick #indy #adventuregame
#adventuregame #indy #pointandclick #primordia
Premisser där människan har försvunnit av någon anledning är också något jag gillar, jag nämnde #Primordia tidigare. En värld där människan har försvunnit, troligtvis dött ut, och som befolkas av robotar som är mer eller mindre självmedvetna. Människor benämns som "Makers" och vissa robotar följer en religion dedikerad åt dessa. Det finns t o m en form av bibel för trossamfundet.
Igår började jag spela kattspelet #Stray och som en fantast av det kära djuret visste jag att jag skulle gilla det från början. Premissen är en katt som protagonist i en futuristisk, lite dystopisk, värld där människor inte längre verkar finnas kvar. Det i sig är ett intressant upplägg som jag sprungit på tidigare, bl a i fenomenala #Primordia.