Indie Dev Showcase 158
The weekly indie showcase highlights the many games we play here on the channel, if you would like to submit a title please reach out.
0:00 Intro00:14 Sephonie3:38 Dopemine Arena5:12 Backpack Hero8:08 Astro Ace9:07 Quijote: Quest for G
#indiedevshowcase #indies #astroace #backpackhero #dopeminearena #indie #indiegameshowcase #princessfarmer #quijote:questforglory #sephonie
#sephonie #quijote #princessfarmer #indiegameshowcase #indie #dopeminearena #backpackhero #astroace #indies #indiedevshowcase
I love how the cows are like, comically realistic compared to the character sprites. They're like apartment buildings. <.<
Princess Farmer florece en móviles con todo el contenido nuevo la próxima semana
#indiegames #noticias #princessfarmer #whitethorngames