#Graduation season is upon us, and I'm reminded of this, taken by my aunt as I graduated from #PrincetonTheologicalSeminary in 1992 (not yesterday!)
#princetontheologicalseminary #graduation
Students and alumni of #PrincetonTheologicalSeminary have called for the dismissal of the Board of Trustees. He runs a company which provides phone services to #prisoners, charging as much as $15 for a 15 minute phone call. As an alumnus myself, I have to agree that, for an institution that has prided itself on reassessing its #slavery #history, that appointment does look very bad indeed
#theology #presbyterian #incarceration #prisons #US
#us #prisons #incarceration #presbyterian #theology #history #slavery #prisoners #princetontheologicalseminary
Hello world, since I've switched servers, let me give an #introduction:
I teach #ReformedTheology at #PrincetonTheologicalSeminary.
Questions that keep me up/tooting include theological epistemology (#bettertheology, #citizentheology), theological anthropology (#againsthumanity), omniscience/surveillance, #KarlBarth.
I also overshare on #GenderDissonance, #AcademicADHD, the toil of writing (#AmWriting), and I love the occasional #TheoPoll
#Theology #SystematicTheology #ConstructiveTheology, #QueerTheoloy, #CripTheology, #Theologidons, #Academia, #HigherEd,
#introduction #reformedtheology #princetontheologicalseminary #bettertheology #citizentheology #againsthumanity #KarlBarth #genderdissonance #academicadhd #amwriting #theopoll #theology #systematictheology #constructivetheology #queertheoloy #criptheology #theologidons #academia #highered
Share by the Center for Barth Studies at #PrincetonTheologicalSeminary #Christianity #theology #Christmas
#christmas #theology #christianity #princetontheologicalseminary
Share by the Center for Barth Studies at #PrincetonTheologicalSeminary #Christianity #theology #Christmas
#christmas #theology #christianity #princetontheologicalseminary
Hello world, I teach theology at #PrincetonTheologicalSeminary with strpng intersectional&interdisciplinary commitments, love mentoring, thinking-together and collaborating, am a theory/method nerd who's always up for meta discussions, avid runner, #genderqueer, and not-quite-at-home in other ways. Look forward to connecting over #PoliticalTheology #SystematicTheology #ConstructiveTheology #Citizentheology #QueerTheology #Surveillance #AI #DigitalTheology #KarlBarth & so much more
#introduction #princetontheologicalseminary #genderqueer #politicaltheology #systematictheology #constructivetheology #citizentheology #queertheology #surveillance #ai #digitaltheology #karlbarth
2/2 Then, on the way home, to visit old friends from #PrincetonTheologicalSeminary, who have recently moved to Scotland- Jack Brown, minister of the historic Gilfillan Memorial Church in #Dundee, and his wife Sharon Garlough Brown, retreat leader and best-selling novelist
#dundee #princetontheologicalseminary