Tomorrow Prins the Tuxedo Cat is picked up to travel to his new home. It is, in part, a relief. Every time he's out to roam the house he's very much
"Oh hello, fren! Want to play? Be frens?"
And Alea the Black Cat is very much
and that can be stressfull.
#AleaTheBlackCat #prinsthetuxedocat #cats
Cat expert: Play with your cat before meal time.*
Me: There's some sense to that. Let's try it out.
Both cats: WHERE'S OUR FOOD???
Me: ...Ok. New plans.
(*Cats playing practice hunting and get hungry. The idea is to get the cat to shed energy and promote healthy behaviour. Especiallt important with indoor cats Unfortunately cats are also routine animals.)
#prinsthetuxedocat #AleaTheBlackCat #cats
Update on Prins the Tuxedo Cat: Last winter I had my heart dammaged due to mistreatment. Given the circumstances the only thing I could do about it was to rest and let it heal naturally. I was almost at the point of being fully restored when Prins bit me. The infection shaved off ten months of healing in one day. No shade on Prins - he's a great cat. Unfortunately, though, he's a "bitey" cat ->
Update on Prince the Tuxedo Cat. As I suspected Prins is a bit like a human who's travelled through several foster homes; his upbringing is spotty, and he doesn't fully trust humans because he's had quite a few break-ups. Luckily this isn't a complicated problem. One mostly need time, patience and a good deal of knowledge in cat behaviour (available on internet). The road forward is through lot of cat toys - and Feliway.
#PrinsTheTuxedoCat #MastoCats #CatAdoption
#CatAdoption #mastocats #prinsthetuxedocat
Well, dang. Got such a bad bite from Prins The Tuxedo Cat I was sent to ER. He got ruff with Alea, they started to fight, and I carried him off without using gloves. Mostly a me mistake, though I think I'm justified in my suspiscion that "he just want to play" may hide some deeper problems. Now I need to figure out if I know enough to help him to a better place behavior wise, or if I need to get him to a home with more cat knowledge.
#PrinsTheTuxedoCat #cats
At this new home he got so rowdy the other cats were scared of him, and he was kept separately. Ie. he's not particularly used to interact with other cats, and is improperly human trained. This makes his introduction here bumpy, especially since I can't afford Feliway (and I may not be able to use it, considering my raw lungs). I'm not a cat wiz, so this is... interesting. We're making slow progress with the help of a lot yummies and scheduled time off/on.
Currently I think that he spent his first time with a family that didn't curb this behavior, and that they threw him out. He might have been a 'summer cat', ie. a kitten bought during vacation and "released into the wild" once it's time to go home. (Not common anymore, but apparently...) He then spent a few months roaming Scania trying to get into homes, until someone actually took him in.
Update on Prins the Tuxedo Cat. Prins is a stray that was found in southernmost of Sweden (ie. about 700km from where I live), and taken in by a lady who already own five cats. Her landlord put down their foot against more, so she had to rehome him. I was the closest person ready to take him in. After 1+ week I can say that he's probably not trained right. He's used to humans, but very "bite-y", and bites hard when he gets extactic.
1. Found working batteries for my electric candles.
2. Introducing Prins the Tuxedo Cat to Alea the Black Cat is a bumpy road - he's a goofball that doesn't know his size nor his strength, and she's a streetsmart grump that doesn't put up with sh*t. Yesterday there were full seconds when they could stay in each other's vicinity without incidents - so babysteps forward.
3. My unemployment consultant agreed to a phone meeting.
#prinsthetuxedocat #AleaTheBlackCat #3goodthings
It's 20:34 and I can _finally_ take my morning shower. Let's celebrate with a pic of Prins the Tuxedo Cat.
#prinsthetuxedocat #mastocats #oneofthosedays
The slightly frog-eyed look of a cat who has to stay indoors, and now want to scent-mark all over matte, Like That Other Cat upstairs.
(She and Prins the Tuxedo Cat have just been allowed to sniff each other out through a narrow door opening.)
#prinsthetuxedocat #AleaTheBlackCat #mastocats #cats
Say hello to the new family member! I had to use the selfie mode, because Prins the Tuxedo Cat is the polar opposite to Alea the Black Cat.
Alea tBC: You're allowed to pet me. If you're using the tip of your fingers. And keep one arm on your back.
#AleaTheBlackCat #prinsthetuxedocat #mastocats #cats
Say hello to the new family member! I had to use the selfie mode, because Prins the Tuxedo Cat is the polar opposite to Alea the Black Cat.
Alea tBC: You're allowed to pet me. If you're using the tip of your fingers. And keep one arm on your back.
#AleaTheBlackCat #prinsthetuxedocat #mastocats #cats
Late night yesterday Prins the Tuxedo Cat arrived. We keep him secluded in The Offspring's room while he and Alea the Black Cat aclimatises. I anticipated him trying to sneak out. What I _didn't_ foresee was both cats going
"Hey! There's a _friend_ on the other side of that door! Let me say hello!"
#AleaTheBlackCat #prinsthetuxedocat #cats