Eleventh Beast is a solo monster hunting game set in 1746 London. Investigate rumors. Learn secrets. Hunt the beast.
Available now: https://beast.exeunt.press
#ttrpg #rpg #solorpg #journaling #sketching #drawing #monsterhunting #monsters #beast #london #onepage #1pagerpg #onepagerpg #onepagerpgjam #tabletop #printandplay
#ttrpg #rpg #soloRPG #journaling #sketching #drawing #monsterhunting #monsters #beast #london #OnePage #1pagerpg #OnePageRPG #onepagerpgjam #tabletop #printandplay
Am WE wurde auch #Arkminima 🐘🦒🦘 und #forNorthwood 🦁 fertig.
Da hat der Cutter geglüht nach Northwood 🔥🔥🔥 - ich bin gespannt obs wirklich so gut ist 😉
#SchereLeimPapier #printandplay
#Brettspiele #boardgames #sologames #sologespielt @brettspiele
#arkminima #fornorthwood #schereleimpapier #printandplay #brettspiele #boardgames #sologames #sologespielt
#miniRogue #FanExtension
Wer kommt mit in die Mines of Moria? Der Balrog wartet 😈 - 🛡️🗡️🏹🪓
So #megaCool - wir sehen uns auf der Durin's Bridge 😼
#printandplay #SchereLeimPapier
#Brettspiele #boardgames #sologames @brettspiele
#miniRogue #fanextension #megacool #printandplay #schereleimpapier #brettspiele #boardgames #sologames
What are some good #PrintAndPlay games?
I remember seeing a bunch back in 2020 at the start of COVID. But haven't seen much new ones.
A few years ago, I thought Lost Cities could do with an Uncharted retheme, so I did it - partly as an excuse to replay everything to take screenshots, but mostly because it's a damn good card game. But it doesn't hit the table too often, and I usually lose, so the latest project to keep me busy is enough cards for the 4 player rules and the Milestones expansion for some bonus points. Now I get to blame any losses on my teammate - huzzah!
#printandplay #cardgames #boardgames
_Balance of Tension_
A fast playing Cold War strategy game about balancing tension and strength to avoid the catastrophe.
An entry to the #pftf2023 game jam from HissyCatStudio.
Download from
#printAndPlay #historicalGames #boardgameDesign #wargames #boardgames #boardgame
#boardgame #boardgames #wargames #boardgamedesign #historicalgames #printandplay #pftf2023
Gestern haben wir uns -weil langes WE- an #SleepingGods #PrimevalPeril gewagt 😅🙈 (fragt nicht wie lange wir gebraucht haben)
Der Mann hat vermutlich jede Schlange 🐍 im Spiel gefunden und sich beißen lassen 😂
Die Story hat uns gut gefallen und als Einstieg ins Spiel wars für uns super, weil kein Kochen und Rezepte
#SleepingGods #primevalperil #brettspiele #boardgames #printandplay #sologames
Guten Morgen ihr RÜSSELS!
Ich mache ja gerne Item Cards für‘s Pen & Paper. Haut doch mal raus was eure Charaktere so für gegenstände bei sich haben. Ich würde mir gerne eine art aufwärmliste zusammenstellen.
Danke schon mal im vorraus!
#printandplay #cards #itemcards #dnd #penandpaper #mbart
Recently I've been looking at various #PrintAndPlay card games. I just stumbled on to #Decktet card system and made a quick test deck with my BW printer. Looks promising so far.
Anyone else playing Decktet, what are your favourite games?
Printed and laminated the game that I made past week to (probably) the 1st physical test... and it's very good! Easy to draw and erase when needed and even more cool to play that way. #boardgames are awesome and playing the one that you made is special.
If you want to play Tabletop Arcade: Roll & Snake too, it's free and you can find the files on https://gabtoschi.itch.io/roll-snake
#boardgames #rollandwrite #printandplay #tabletop #gamedev #gamejam
#boardgames #rollandwrite #printandplay #tabletop #gamedev #gamejam
Well, anyone want a new #printandplay #boardgame to test this weekend? <3
I'm releasing TABLETOP ARCADE: ROLL & SNAKE, a free PnP game inspired by the old Snake videogame
In each of the 6 levels in the game, you need to eat 4 fruits as fast as possible to get points — but the fruits will become obstacles to increase the difficulty of later levels!
Liebe Brettspiel-Bubble mir ist aufgefallen das mir für die #abcBrettspielChallenge #abcChallenge noch ein Titel für
I wie Idee fehlt
Wichtig wäre das er solo und idealerweise auch gut zu 2 spielbar ist 😇
Bin auf eure Vorschläge schon gespannt 🥰
#abcbrettspielchallenge #abcchallenge #brettspiele #boardgames #printandplay
Full disclosure- I'm basing my recommendation for this Kickstarter on one of the other games from Nerdura, "Dicevania: Quintet of Rolls", a solo roll-and-write using Castlevania theming and Yahtzee-style gameplay. I highly recommend that, and am anticipating Pentaquest Heroes will be similarly fun.
#BoardGames #DiceGames #RollAndWrite #Kickstarter #Indie #PrintAndPlay
#boardgames #dicegames #rollandwrite #kickstarter #indie #printandplay
Na gut, ich probier auch mal diese abc-Brettspiel-Challenge 😅 allerdings nur mit Spielen die Solo spielbar sind.
Gestartet wird mit 🥁... At the Helm!
#AtTheHelm 😊 ein #printandplay von #pnparcarde #buttonshy
#atthehelm #printandplay #pnparcarde #buttonshy #brettspiele #boardgames #sologames #sologespielt #Solo
made a print and play card for one of the most curious games on boardgamegeek; Teleprompter: Cyphers of the Spiritual Hinterlands
#partygame #printandplay #newcyberiacoinlaundry
#partygame #printandplay #newCyberiaCoinLaundry
I have the retail version of Under Falling Skies, but I couldn't resist printing a small version of it that's easy to bring along. It is a little more fiddly but works fine anyway. I won this one but it was close. 🙂
#printandplay #underfallingskies #boardgames
Wenn die Post nachher kommt, hat die #PrintAndPlay Version ausgesorgt. 🥰
#printandplay #Worldbreakers #brettspiele #boardgames
Wenn die Post nachher kommt, hat die #PrintAndPlay Version ausgesorgt. #Worldbreakers
It's a twofer! Today https://invincibleink.itch.io adds two more #PrintAndPlay titles, Senpai Notice Me! (https://invincibleink.itch.io/senpai-notice-me) and Foxtail (https://invincibleink.itch.io/foxtail). You might like these two titles if you're into extremely cute, easy-to-learn multiplayer games that require only the gentlest of competition. #IndieGames #IndieTabletopGames #CardGames
#printandplay #indiegames #indietabletopgames #cardgames
Coffee break at home. Relaxing with #Orchard. Really fun little game 🙂
#coffeebreak #printandplay #boardgames #orchard