#WritersCoffeeClub Sep 7. Share an image of a favourite book cover design. Not your own.
OK, late to this one. And it's not even a book. But hey, it's not the cover for anything of mine either. I don't even write about wine!
I do however enjoy reading Noble Rot mag and always LOVE its superb covers.
#writerscoffeeclub #printisnotdead #magazines #magazineculture #printlives
Richtig toll zu sehen das #PortfolioDay durch die #Fediverse Decke geht, freue mich hier noch mehr Kreative zu entdecken :ablobcathappypaws:
mein Beitrag via #Pixelfed:
:blobcatcamera: https://pixelfed.social/p/sieben-grafik/584417860997015741
#portfolioday #fediverse #pixelfed #grafikdesign #printdesign #layout #printisnotdead
Gerade in der Piste gelesen (lokales Blatt für Veranstaltungen in #Rostock) :
GEMEINSAM – das Festival für ALLE
24. - 26. August 2023
#rostock #inklusion #festival #printisnotdead
"If Nader has his way, the website will be a sideshow to the printed main event, as he believes digital publications fail to engage readers because they’re too cluttered and abbreviated. Plus, he said, the 'real decisionmakers' get their news in print."
Leave it to Ralph Nader, though, to identify a problem and then come up with the clumsiest, most ham-fisted and polarizing way to address it!
#newspapers #newsdeserts #printisnotdead #cmonson
This is the second submission to the Swansea Open art exhibition at the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery. I'll be notified in a week whether or not my pieces will be part of the exhibition.
#art #MastoArt #linocut #linocutprint #bird #printisnotdead #swansea
#swansea #printisnotdead #bird #linocutprint #linocut #MastoArt #art
It's printing time ! 😁🐈🐱🎨
#linocut #linogravure #printisnotdead #graphicdesign #graphiste #freelance #diy
#linocut #linogravure #printisnotdead #graphicdesign #graphiste #freelance #diy
This is music to my ears 😍
#books #printisnotdead
Aujourd'hui je refais le stock de cartes de visite fait main
#graphiste #ecoconception #diy #printisnotdead
#graphiste #ecoconception #diy #printisnotdead
Visiting the München '72 exhibition, in Manchester, earlier this month was a definite highlight for November.
#munich1972 #graphicdesign #otlaicher #printisnotdead #printdesign #posterdesign #modernism #modernistdesign
#modernistdesign #modernism #posterdesign #printdesign #printisnotdead #OtlAicher #graphicdesign #munich1972
@l_sauerwald@twitter.com: Good Job, @sehguhyelnats and @OSIBPODMAG! Loved it first page to last, especially the portraits of fans and the interview with @DMWithers_! Great pictures too. Going from online to print turned out great and I can't wait for the next issue. 😊 #BristolCity #printisnotdead https://nitter.net/l_sauerwald/status/1596533982786899969#m
Lange vergriffen, diese ausgesprochen lesenswerte Biographie D.H. Lawrence', aus der Feder des lange vergessenen Anthony Burgess, von dessen Dutzenden von Veröffentlichungen lediglich 'Clockwork Orange' in Deutschland bekannt ist und nachwirkt: lesenswert.–
#Buchkultur #PrintIsNotDead #DasGuteBuch #DHLawrence #AnthonyBurgess
#Buchkultur #printisnotdead #dasgutebuch #DHLawrence #AnthonyBurgess