RT by @cupnacional: I la @cupnacional seguirà al capdavant dels ajuntaments dels #Guiamets i la #Torredefontaubella!!!
Visca el #Priorat ✊✊✊
@CUPelsGuiamets @cupnacional https://nitter.net/CUPPriorat/status/1670065453605978113#m #Bot
#bot #priorat #torredefontaubella #Guiamets
RT by @cupnacional: La @CUPPriorat aconseguim les dues alcaldies a les que optàvem (els #Guiamets i la #TorredeFontaubella) i 11 dels 12 regidors possibles.
Això ens suposa que seguirem quatre anys més aixecant catifes i posant llums i taquígrafs al Consell Comarcal del #Priorat ✊
#GentQueLluiti https://nitter.net/CUPPriorat/status/1663141624770174977#m #Bot
#bot #GentQueLluiti #priorat #torredefontaubella #Guiamets
Lo pantà de Siurana sota mínims, sense pluja i s'emporten l'aigua que és la riquesa del territori. I encara diuen que en tenim massa! #priorat
🔴⚫🟢 La Plataforma Trens Dignes 🚆 us convida a la celebració dels 🔟 anys de lluita.
Vine i participa!
🗓️ 25 de Febrer
📌 Mercat de Tortosa
🕙 A partir de les 10.30 h
#10anysptd #trensdignes #terresdelebre #priorat
El Consolat de #Flandrensis a Catalunya posa en marxa una botiga de samarretes, i durant 6 mesos amb cada venda es col•laborarà en el projecte riu #Siurana del #gepec (gepec.cat)
#Priorat #Tarragona #Reus #micronation👕👚🐟🦎🌿
🎁 latostadora.com/flandrensis
#flandrensis #siurana #GEPEC #priorat #tarragona #reus #micronation
Porrera, in #Priorat, is an old small town set between the steep hills planted with Garnatxa Negra and Carinyena vines. At its peak in the mid 1850, Porrera was growing rich on the booming export of wine and brandy to the new world. There was so much demand and money to be made, that all the surrounding forest were chopped down and replanted with vines. The blight of the phylloxera, a pest that attacks the root of the vine and kills the plant, arrived from France in 1893 with devastating consequences: business went bust, the workforce left, rich families went broke. Everything stood still until the 1980's with the arrival of a French hippie in a caravan: René Barbier recognised the enormous potential of the slatey soil and got to work. 30 years later Priorat is, together with Rioja, the top wine region in Spain. Quality has replaced quantity and life has returned to Porrera with great cellars like Celler Vall Llach typifying the high end #wine production of this area.
Another view of Cims de Porrera wine #cellar which looks more like the workshop of an alchemist. Here the original 19th century wine storage compartments have been adapted for new wine ageing techniques. Glass demijohns are used to to part age the wine which is then blended with the wine aged in oak barrels.
#cellar #winemaking #wineageing #priorat #catalunya
Seguiu-nos a Telegram i no us perdeu res. https://www.nord.cab és molt més que #InformacióLocal de #Cabassers: també és #Priorat #Tecnologia #Cultura, #Història, #Llengua, #Música, #Relats, #Llibres, etc.
#informaciolocal #Cabassers #priorat #tecnologia #cultura #historia #llengua #musica #Relats #llibres
Fresh, young, easy to drink, always on spot. L’Inconscient, Les Cousins. Best quality for the money. Grenache, Carignan, Merlot, Cabernet, Syrah. A mixture from different Priorat vineyards and grapes, always balanced. My preferred daily red wine. #Wine #Priorat https://www.decantalo.com/us/en/les-cousins-l-inconscient.html
La notícia es refereix a #Cabacés, que és una grafia imposada pel franquisme i encara oficial per al municipi del #Priorat de #Cabassers. També menciona els altres tres municipis catalans amb noms franquistes: #Capmany (el correcte és #Campmany), #Lladó (#Lledó) i #Rialp (#Rialb).
#cabaces #priorat #Cabassers #Capmany #campmany #llado #lledo #Rialp #rialb
Today in our Christmas lunch we had a bottle of this fine red Priorat from winery Más Martinet: Martinet Bru. Grenache, Syrah, Carignan, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. This we drank in homage to my mother, who passed away last year. She and other children from Falset were refugees at Más Martinet, to protect them from air raids during the Ebre Battle, a major act within the Spanish Civil War. #wine #history #falset #priorat #catalonia #merrychristmas
#merrychristmas #catalonia #priorat #falset #History #Wine
@pleasethepalate Ha, I knew it was a Sangenís i Vaqué before even clicking! Those are some of the few older vintages you can readily buy in #Priorat. You pretty much always need an ah-so with them...
RT by @cupnacional: Cal que reflexionem sobre què és el que manca als nostres pobles i buscar la manera de fer front al despoblament. Al #Priorat hem passat dels 9.973 habitants que hi havia l’any 2011 als 9.239 del 2021. En deu anys la comarca ha perdut més de 700 habitants.
#unprioratperviurehi https://nitter.xarxa.cloud/CUPPriorat/status/1603438621666820112#m #Bot
#bot #unprioratperviurehi #priorat
#Pirene 2020 es el único vino elaborado con esta variedad ancestral recuperada, plantada en el Prepirineo; #Purgatori 2020 es la nueva añada con certificación ecológica de este vino celestial de Les Garrigues, y Salmos 2018 del #Priorat viste... http://www.periodistadigital.com/elbuenvivir/20221215/tres-vinos-para-navidad-de-familia-torres-689404805287/ #vinos #FamiliaTorres
#pirene #purgatori #priorat #vinos #familiatorres
Celebrating a birthday in the house yesterday, with one of someone’s favourite #wine regions: #Priorat.
It was surprisingly difficult to find even this bottle though… I would so love to see the UK wine market diversify its offerings from the Iberian peninsula. Sure, I have time for #Rioja, but there’s life beyond it!
Anyway, not world-changing, but quite enjoyable, and a decent accompaniment to the goulash 😅
Some phone shots made last October during the Garnatxa (#Grenache) harvest in #Priorat. The whole terrain is on a steep slope so everything is done by hand. It's called Heroic #Viticulture for a reason. The quality of the grapes is exceptional, grown with zero chemical intervention and totally organic. One of my favorite spots.
#grenache #priorat #viticulture #wine #winemaking #catalanwines #catalunya #vineyard
Having a look at how to get people out to a wine region, outside of harvest times.
#wine #priorat #enotourism #winetourism
#wine #priorat #enotourism #winetourism
#Arbequina olives posing with a olive comb, and on display in a shop. Arguably some of the best Arbequina #olive #oil comes from the largely #ecological production of the mountainous region of #Siurana in #Priorat although every region claims theirs is best.
Moral of the post: if you ever see some unfiltered olive oil from Catalonia labelled Oli del Raig, just buy it.
#arbequina #olive #oil #ecological #siurana #priorat
A Cabassers.org donem suport a la plataforma #RiuSiuranaViu. Contra l'espoli que pateix el riu #Siurana, al #Priorat, i per garantir el futur de la comarca.
#riuSiuranaviu #siurana #priorat