The U.S. lacks certain human services that are crucial to any society -
- Public housing
- Public transportation
- Public Healthcare
- Affordable and well funded education
- Public phones
The results are in:
#DefundThePentagon #endimperialism #priorityhumanity
The party of the working class, minorities, and the environment has officially become the party of neo-cons. This is the main reason I'm not a democrat anymore. The dnc has prioritized a $858 billion dollar defense budget funding imperialism instead of social protections, and environmental sustainability.
Meanwhile the republican party is as far right as ever, and having a civil war over trumpism/neo-fascism and Goldwateresque conservativism.
That's why I'm a firm believer in the Democratic Socialists of America, Socialist Alternative, and the IWW. The US needs a new real left to bring it back to social democracy, and ultimately to the sustainable path of socialism.
#Unionize #organize #boycott #priorityhumanity #socialism2023
$80 billion for Ukraine
$838 billion for US imperialism
#resistimperialism #priorityhumanity #Socialism2022
The US can't prioritize affordable college, single payer healthcare, or public housing.
It can however prioritize a $700 billion dollar+ defense budget for its imperial bases that cover 3/4 of the planet.
Real change starts here.
Solidarity to all who resist the musk of Babylon!
#resistheempire #priorityhumanity #socialism2022
Communal living, Anarchy, and socialism remain beacons in an era where American greed, imperialism, and fascism still exist as issues.
I long for a community, state, country, and planet where -
- need > profit and greed
- Peace is the goal, not violence
- humans are accepted as they are as long as they aren't violating the rights of others
- humans work to better themselves and their neighbor, not using each other
- our planet is our home and sanctuary, not a landfill
The right to -
- food
- water
- shelter
- education
- healthcare
- transportation
- should be prioritized instead of a $780 billion military budget to defend corporatist empires.
#priorityhumanity #socialism2022