Zirkuläres Bauen: Der Materialshop von Concular bietet wiederverwendbare Baumaterialien und Einrichtungsgegenstände von Abrissprojekten wie z.B. dem Prism in Frankfurt: https://shop.concular.de/
#Circular #Zirkulär #Bauindustrie #Concular #Prism #Frankfurt
#circular #zirkular #bauindustrie #Concular #prism #frankfurt
@sqrt2 the only winning move is not to use #Microsoft Products like #Windows!
#AllGAFAMsAreBad #AllGAFAMsAreEvil #PRISM #ITsec #InfoSec #OpSec #ComSec
#comsec #opsec #InfoSec #ITSec #prism #allgafamsareevil #allgafamsarebad #Windows #Microsoft
@riversidebryan the only winning move is to DROP & Block #NSAbook on sight!
And I mean their entire ASN...
#prism #allgafamsareevil #allgafamsarebad #NSAbook
@Tinu They are #PRISM collaborators and thus are #irredeemable - level of #evil!
#allgafamsareevil #allgafamsarebad #evil #irredeemable #prism
So apparently the #Facebook #Messenger is going to get "End to End #encryption this year.
End-to-end is good on principle but don't get fooled. This app is proprietary so this encryption is absolutely worthless. You have to blindly believe them they didn't add any secret government backdoor to break the encyrption. And a backdoor is likely, due to the #PRISM surveillance program.
I never trust #prorietary #software because they have something to hide. I trust Facebook even less.
#facebook #messenger #encryption #prism #prorietary #software
@heiseonline Da der Messenger #proprietär ist, kann man alle Versprechungen zur Verschlüsselung komplett ignorieren. Auch E2E nützt hier gar nichts, da die Implementierung intransparent ist. Man muss ihnen blind glauben, dass sie KEIN fieses Hintertürchen eingebaut haben; nachvollziehbar ist das nicht. Schnüffelei ist angesichts von #PRISM hier ohnehin wahrscheinlich.
Wer Sicherheit will, misstraut proprietärer Software.
@oldperl @heiseonline Es ist nicht sicher. Es wird durch gar nichts sichergestellt, dass die App nicht mitliest.
Das ist eine proprietäre Software und daher kann man allen Versprechen über Verschlüsselung auf gar keinen Fall trauen. Der Messenger könnte trivial einfach ein Hintertürchen einbauen. Und dann gehört Facebook ja zu #PRISM, wenn du dich noch erinnerst.
Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung in #proprietärer Software ist pure #Augenwischerei.
#prism #proprietarer #augenwischerei
@gerrymcgovern which corrupt f**k did allow the construction of such a wasteful datacenter?
There are options that ain't that lossy and there's an even better option:
Bannong #NSAbook for illegal Espionage as per #PRISM program.
#StasiBook is bad and #AllGAFAMsAreEvil!
#allgafamsareevil #stasibook #prism #NSAbook
New Take on the Camera Obscura Brings Paris Indoors - We haven’t checked, but we’ll go out on a limb here and say this is the first proj... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/19/new-take-on-the-camera-obscura-brings-paris-indoors/ #cameraobscura #classichacks #eiffeltower #doveprism #pinhole #paris #prism
#prism #paris #pinhole #doveprism #eiffeltower #classichacks #cameraobscura
We are pleased to announce Statical Prism for AL 2.4.
This release includes 9 features and 9 bugfixes:
You can also check what's new in the release notes (and in comments to this post):
There are both visualization, translation and graph improvements in this release.
See more details on out announcement on LinkedIn:
#PrismForAL #Prism #StaticalPrism #MSDyn365BC #AL #ALLanguage
#prismforal #prism #staticalprism #MSDYN365BC #AL #allanguage
#10yrsago US businesses stand to lose up to $35B as a result of #PRISM https://www2.itif.org/2013-cloud-computing-costs.pdf
#10yrsago Spectacular #HauntedMansion re-creation with #RollercoasterTycoon https://thedisneyblog.com/2013/08/08/haunted-mansion-recreated-in-roller-coaster-tycoon/
#10yrsago #Knitting as computation https://web.archive.org/web/20130810104616/http://www.k2g2.org/blog:bit.craft:computational_model_of_knitting
#10yrsago #StandardsBodies explain why they think the law should be copyrighted and paywalled https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/08/07/should-legal-codes-be-copyrighted-lets-sue-to-find-out/
#10yrsago #prism #hauntedmansion #rollercoastertycoon #knitting #standardsbodies
@martinsteiger nein sind diese nicht, denn #PRISM läuft weiter genauso wie #CloudAct.
@isAutonomous Äähm... Nein?
Der EINZIG KORREKTE SCHRITT ist sich konsequent dieser Shice zu verweigern und es nicht zu nutzen!
#WhatYouAllowIsWhatWillContinue greift besonders bei #Cloud & #SaaS zu:
Angesichts von #PRISM, #CloudAct und der geiengefährlichen Unfähigkeit und/oder Unwillen Sicherheit umzusetzen gibt es keine #Vertrauensbasis um irgendwelche #Microsoft-Produkte zu nutzen.
Erst Recht nicht #Microsoft365 / #MicrosoftOfficeOnline & #OneDrive!
#onedrive #microsoftofficeonline #Microsoft365 #Microsoft #Vertrauensbasis #cloudact #prism #saas #Cloud #whatyouallowiswhatwillcontinue
@bubbline I'm not going into the fact that shit like #ChatGPT - like everyting any GAFAM ever touched - is part of #SurveillanceCapitalism and will be weaponized in the #surveillanceDragnet of #PRISM and other programs.
The only winning move is not to feed said actors with data, because they'll use it regardless if it's legal or not, because they'll sell it to the State.
But that requires thinking and self-moderation and not just consuming shit.
#prism #surveillancedragnet #SurveillanceCapitalism #chatgpt
@Terra This is an analogous sign in the Netherlands.
The added irony (anti-irony?) is that #WhatsApp is owned by #Facebook of #PRISM #surveillance fame.
#whatsapp #facebook #prism #surveillance
@amueller einfach keine #Govware der #GAFAMs nutzen?
Dass #Microsoft nicht nur #PRISM-Teilnehmer ist.sondern auch #Backdoors wie #_NSAKEY integrierte sollte diese schon disqualifizieren...
#bdsg #dsgvo #_nsakey #backdoors #prism #Microsoft #gafams #govware
blaubles and misc
@katnjiapus also you named #NSAbook wrong.
Remember: All #PRISM members are #snitches and #AllGAFAMsAreEvil!
#allgafamsareevil #snitches #prism #NSAbook
And since #Signal isn't financed by it's users, it must finance itself somehow...
I.e. #PRISM membership?
MacLean and Company Prismatic Cellar Light, Bothwell Street, Glasgow.
Cellar lights, also known as pavement lights or vault lights, are metal grids filled with glass prisms set into the pavement at the base of a building to allow light into basement levels.
While widely used in Glasgow in the late 1800s, like other type of historic street furniture, there seem to be relatively few remaining in their original condition.
#glasgow #cellarlight #streetfurniture #design #architecture #prism
#prism #architecture #design #streetfurniture #cellarlight #glasgow