So after scratching my head for hours trying to understand why #Prisma #ORM wasn't returning any records when I was filtering by date, it turns it doesn't do a good job of handling #SQLite dates. 😒 In the end, I had to resort to using a raw query
So after scratching my head for hours trying to understand why #Prisma #ORM wasn't returning all records when I was filtering by date, it turns it doesn't do a good job of handling #SQLite dates. 😒 In the end, I had to resort to using a raw query
In trying to port an existing site that utilised #MySQL date functions including MONTH and YEAR over to the #Prisma ORM, I am finding the latter is not so great at querying by date judging by issues such as this, which despite all the requests for it is still open after two years
nicht, dass mir beim stouttrinken die augen rausfallen …, #freitagsrunde #prisma
Don't let a frog near you while you swim, especially a perverted one.
This was an old Patreon reward for !
#frogdor #prisma #clara #nsfw #female #embarrassed #enf #naked #boobs #ass #wardrobemalfunction #2022
#boobs #ass #wardrobemalfunction #frogdor #prisma #clara #nsfw #female #embarrassed #enf #naked
Went back down the ORM rabbit-hole recently. (For context, over the course of a year last year I migrated our backend from #TypeORM to #Prisma. It was fun.)
Looks like the new kid on the block is Drizzle? Super cool to be using TypeScript instead of PSL for schema definition. Not sure why it’s crowned a Prisma killer though? I like using Prisma because they’re very thoughtful about what they implement and have great community support, that’s going to take a while for anyone to overtake.
Il punto sulle ricerche dei frammenti di #meteorite a Sospiro (Cremona) fatto dalla rete di monitoraggio #PRISMA dell'#INAF
Nessun frammento di #meteorite trovato ieri a Sospiro (Cremona) ma gli esperti della rete #PRISMA dell'Inaf e i tanti volontari non demordono: la caccia dovrebbe riprendere nel prossimo fine settimana
A Sospiro, in provincia di Cremona, potrebbero essere caduti frammenti di #meteorite pesanti fino a 1 kg. Ecco le immagini delle ricerche in corso, guidate dagli esperti della rete di monitoraggio #PRISMA dell'#INAF
Possibile caduta di frammenti di #meteorite a Sospiro, in provincia di Cremona. E' il risultato delle analisi della rete #PRISMA dell'INAF dopo il bolide nella notte fra il 23 e il 24 maggio. Probabile che vengano organizzate ricerche
Un mio articolo pubblicato tempo fa su #Prisma è ora on line: quanto può essere alta una montagna?
My new favorite #webdev tech stack is now:
#sveltekit as a framework,
#Prisma as a backend,
and lucia for auth.
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1sResidency
🎵 Pliegues
#nowplaying #radio1sresidency #bbcr1 #dngdngdng #prisma
RT @sci_ub_unibe
Jetzt vormerken: Nächste #Coffeelecture am Mittwoch, 19.4.2023 um 13 Uhr via Zoom:
Wie lässt sich das #PRISMA Statement für #SystematicReview Projekte nutzen.
#SystematicReview #prisma #coffeelecture
Evening wine need not be in a wine glass to be enjoyable #wine #evening #Chicago #dusk #photo #Hipstamatic #prisma #skyline #WestLoop #refillNeeded
#wine #evening #chicago #dusk #photo #hipstamatic #prisma #Skyline #westloop #refillneeded
Started doing a new project with a friend for my #German employer on :nestjs: #NestJS and #Prisma. This is my first experience with :nestjs: #NestJS and I definitely like it! But the project I was given to redo, made in Strapi, I, as a #backend developer, don't like at all. There's just no code there at all. I love coding myself. #Germany :typescript: :t_blink:
#germany #german #nestjs #prisma #backend