Videos showing N.B, jail guards punching inmate played in court after failed bid to hide them | CBC News #SaintJohn #Jail #Violence #PrisonGuards #Crime #nbpoli
#saintjohn #jail #violence #prisonGuards #crime #nbpoli
Videos showing N.B, jail guards punching inmate played in court after failed bid to hide them | CBC News #SaintJohn #Jail #Violence #PrisonGuards #Crime #nbpoli
#saintjohn #jail #violence #prisonGuards #crime #nbpoli
Who may be willing to work two days a week, in exchange for 1mBTC/hr to be #prisonGuards to murderers, #BloodingCult members, and #USGenerals. Y'know…
…people who need to be locked up.
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#prisonGuards #bloodingCult #USGenerals #FreeDanielHale #FreeJournalistAssange #usefulJobs #australia #usa