· @abolitionbb
317 followers · 1230 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Swing by next Monday (9/4) and write a letter or drop off a book! We’ll be doing our monthly letters to prisoners writing meet up as well as accepting donations for the book drive to support the people doing time in Coffee Creek.

If you’d like to drop off a book please remember that they need to be in new condition, nothing explicitly sexual or violent is allowed in, and no technical manuals.

#Portland #pdx #freethemall #prisonersupport #Abolition

Last updated 1 year ago

· @abolitionbb
294 followers · 1122 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Tonight! Swing by and send a letter or two if you’re able 💌

#Portland #pdx #prisonersupport

Last updated 1 year ago

It's Going Down · @igd_news
23181 followers · 3452 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"This event was just the beginning of a renewed radical exchange of ideas and solidarity between two cities on the water."


#Abolition #june11th #prisonersupport

Last updated 1 year ago

Freedom Press · @Freedom_Press
5907 followers · 898 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Protest against racism & solitary confinement in prisons
Protest outside the Ministry of Justice by the family and supporters of prisoner Kevan Thakrar to protest him being held in indefinite segregation for 13 years

#closesupervisioncentres #jointenterprise #kevanthakrar #prisonersupport #solitaryconfinement

Last updated 1 year ago

· @abolitionbb
268 followers · 1026 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Time is fake and it’s almost the first Monday of the month again. That means we’re meeting up to write letters to prisoners! We focus on supporting victims of domestic violence who’ve been incarcerated. Mask up and come join us if you’re around the Portland area!

#Abolition #prisonersupport #Portland #pdx

Last updated 1 year ago

· @abolitionbb
250 followers · 924 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Victor Puertas is one of the forest defenders who has been charged with domestic terrorism. He was released by the DeKalb jail and immediate picked up by ICE, and has been transferred to Stewart Detention Center. Call, write a letter, throw some money at his books if you’re able. Anything to support. What he’s going through is horrifying.

#StopCopCity #freethemall #prisonersupport #Abolition

Last updated 1 year ago

Freedom Press · @Freedom_Press
5788 followers · 858 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Two imprisoned for dismantling Runcorn weapons factory
Two people who took direct action to dismantle and occupy a weapons company, were sentenced to prison on Tuesday 16th May, after pleading guilty to charges of criminal damage.

#directaction #Elbit #freepalestine #PalestineAction #prisonersupport #runcornweaponsfactory

Last updated 1 year ago

Freedom Press · @Freedom_Press
5788 followers · 858 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Statement on recent Kill the Bill sentencing
This May we have seen another round of sentencing for at least 4 comrades, for standing up to the police during the 2021 Kill the Bill uprising in Bristol.

#Abolition #bristolriots #killthebill #killthebillsentencing #prisonersupport #solidarity #tillallarefree

Last updated 1 year ago

From Willamette Valley Abolition Project:
Letter writing to Atlanta forest defenders and political prisoners this Sunday, 4/9!

Hey! WVAP is going to start hosting weekly letter writing to Atlanta forest defenders and political prisoners. Sunday, growers market, 3-5. Beginning this Sunday, Apr 9th.

All materials are provided and please wear a mask. Growers market is near the Eugene Amtrak station between black wolf supper club and morning glory cafe.


#atlantaforestdefenders #Abolition #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #wvap #willamettevalleyabolitionproject #letterwriting #prisonersupport

Last updated 2 years ago


Repost from @sfl_arc

Extreme Right Wing Political Agenda Aims to Crush Pro-Choice Activism in Florida: Two Additional Arrests in Precedent Setting FACE Act Case and SLAPP Suits Filed Against Activists: sflarc.blogspot.com/

Share widely and get the word out!

You can donate tax deductible to the legal fund: secure.actblue.com/donate/flle
The feds are utilizing a law originally meant to protect abortion & reproductive healthcare providers against pro-choice activists. The state seems determined to stop at nothing to stifle dissent & is using every tool in its arsenal.
is our our most powerful tool in the struggle. We’ve got each other. And with your help we will win. Share and donate to their legal defense fund to help the cause and fight against blatant state repression.

We support our political prisoners even when they’re innocent

#solidarity #12yearsforgraffiti #florida #miami #orlando #GreenWave #greenwaveeverywhere #reproductivehealth #ReproductiveJustice #reproductiverights #abortionrights #AbortionIsHealthcare #abortionaccess #ReproductiveHealthcare #reproductiverightsforall #ReproductiveRightsAreHumanRights #prisonersupport #jailsupport #antirepression #prisonersolidarity #Abolition #LegalSupport #legaldefense #legaldefensefund #MutualAid #mutualaidfunds #MutualAidRequest #mutualaid2023 #movementlawyering

Last updated 2 years ago

Repost from @SFL_ARC

Share widely and get the word out!

Here is our press release announcing our campaign, our goals with the campaign, & more information on the repression hitting Florida activist communities.

You can donate tax deductible to the legal fund: secure.actblue.com/donate/flle

The feds are utilizing a law originally meant to protect abortion & reproductive healthcare providers against pro-choice activists. The state seems determined to stop at nothing to stifle dissent & is using every tool in its arsenal.

is our our most powerful tool in the struggle. We’ve got each other. And with your help we will win. Share and donate to their legal defense fund to help the cause and fight against blatant state repression.

We support our political prisoners even when their innocent

@UnicornRiot @soflaadmin @igd_news @CrimethInc @FLA_YLF @AtlantaAntifa @dsa_lsc @greenbackdistro @blackrose_rosanegra @guerrillaincjohnbrowngunclub @LukefromDC @nightrunner321 @miaantifanews

#solidarity #12yearsforgraffiti #florida #miami #orlando #GreenWave #greenwaveeverywhere #reproductivehealth #ReproductiveJustice #reproductiverights #abortionrights #AbortionIsHealthcare #abortionaccess #ReproductiveHealthcare #reproductiverightsforall #ReproductiveRightsAreHumanRights #prisonersupport #jailsupport #antirepression #prisonersolidarity #Abolition #LegalSupport #legaldefense #legaldefensefund #MutualAid #mutualaidfunds #MutualAidRequest #mutualaid2023 #movementlawyering

Last updated 2 years ago

Abolition Media · @amwenglish
6609 followers · 1052 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Bang Up and Smash – by ASBO

“Many people have been sentenced or remanded recently for the Kill the Bill demos, and are currently in prison, or awaiting trial. There are many more to come. In the process of providing random information about prison to people facing custodial sentences, I have revisited some of the concepts that I outlined in Bang-Up. This has fuelled my desire for “perfect disorder”, and reminded me of the importance of asking difficult questions.

Things were bad for anyone interacting with the courts and prison system when I wrote Bang-Up. Even with my most cynical hat on, I never would have imagined how much worse stuff would get, and how quickly. The Coronavirus Act (2020) suspended even the most basic crumbs of ‘rights’ that prisoners had in the ‘United’ Kingdom; with an unprecedented roll out of techniques previously hidden, (but routinely used) by the state on its incarcerated population. I won’t go into that for now, but suffice to say, in relation to prisons, Covid-19 is a gift to all governments in terms of increasing repression, legitimising new techniques of control, and increasing bang-up..”


#anarchistlibrary #anarchy #repression #prison #Abolition #prisonersupport

Last updated 2 years ago

Zaharibu · @Zaharibu
6 followers · 4 posts · Server mas.to

The savagery of Life Without Parole () sentencing

What specifically has been problematic about my situation is that I did not commit the crime that I am imprisoned for. I was not convicted for killing the victim in this case. I was acquitted on the charge that I personally used a weapon in the commission of the crime. Nothing at all has been fair or just about...


#michaelreeddorrough #justice #innocence #california #prisonersupport #lifewithoutparole #lwop

Last updated 2 years ago

Prison Lives Matter · @PLM
4 followers · 2 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Mostly following hashtags and will be sporadically trying to find fellow travelers. We will use this account to update about calls and maybe occasional musings about struggle as well as quotes from past revolutionaries and texts from those incarcerated.


Last updated 2 years ago

Prisonwatch · @prisonwatch
90 followers · 42 posts · Server mas.to

@chaspinrad @abolitionbb Thank you for the follow and shout out, I haven't been very active lately but will do my best to retoot and make this a place for too, well, together we can!
Plz consider following our friend and comrade @Zaharibu too, thank you!


Last updated 2 years ago

Prisonwatch · @prisonwatch
61 followers · 29 posts · Server mas.to

Why Is New York Banning Packages in Prisons?

Lakisha Santana Sell used to bring her husband, David Sell, bags filled with mangoes, avocados, granola bars, and other healthy snacks when she visited him at Wende Correctional Facility in Alden, New York. Twice a month, she weighed out bags of food, careful not to exceed the 35-pound monthly maximum.

But that tradition came to a halt this past May when ...


#newyork #prisonersupport #prisons

Last updated 2 years ago

Freedom Press · @Freedom_Press
2567 followers · 562 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Urgent call for solidarity action: Anarchist prisoner Giannis Michailidis enters 68th day of hunger strike and is in a dire health condition
Giannis Michailidis is an anarchist prisoner in Greece who has been on hunger strike since 2

#giannismichailidis #greece #hungerstrike #prisonersolidarity #prisonersupport

Last updated 2 years ago

For the folk that write letters to Prisoners, do you write one and wait for a reply or do you write a few*?

*So that it gives them something to read or acknowledge they might not be able to reply for various reasons but could potentially enjoy reading the letters.

#prisonersupport #prisonersolidarity

Last updated 2 years ago

Prisonwatch · @prisonwatch
61 followers · 29 posts · Server mas.to

Washington Post:
Forcing people to pay for being locked up remains common
One of the legacies of tough-on-crime policies continues to hurt prisoners and their families


#prisonersupport #prisons

Last updated 3 years ago