OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
207 followers · 477 posts · Server hear-me.social
· @OrganizingLIS
522 followers · 209 posts · Server glammr.us

Digitization and Exploitation: Acknowledging and Addressing the Use of Exploitative Prison Labor by Libraries and Archives


#digitization #librarylabor #archivallabor #prisonlabor #incarceration

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1039 followers · 2032 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today In Labor History April 8, 1911: 128 convict miners, mostly African-Americans jailed for minor offenses, were killed by a massive explosion at the Banner coalmine near Birmingham, Alabama. While the Triangle Shirtwaist fire, which occurred just two weeks earlier, elicited massive public attention and support for the plight of immigrant women working in sweatshop conditions, the Banner explosion garnered almost no public sympathy, probably due to racism and the fact that they were prisoners.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #prison #prisonlabor #racism #coal #mine #immigrants #prisoner #workplacedeaths #slavelabor

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OrganizingLIS
474 followers · 116 posts · Server glammr.us
· @mybarkingdogs
153 followers · 3630 posts · Server ohai.social

is , and I feel like we need to make an absolute commitment to ridding society of it - demanding disclosure when and where prison labor is used, for what, and start targeting boycotts of products/services that use prisons rather than correctly pay free employees.

#prisonlabor #slavelabor

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OrganizingLIS
432 followers · 73 posts · Server glammr.us

Labor-related sessions and posters at (part 2/2):

- Forged in Solidarity: Library Workers in Union Environments acrl2023.us2.pathable.com/meet
- Power to the Librarians: Lessons Learned from Union Work acrl2023.us2.pathable.com/meet
- The Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) and the Library: An Investigation into Prison Labor, Preferred Sourcing and Library Furniture acrl2023.us2.pathable.com/meet

#acrl2023 #librarylabor #libraryWorkers #libraryunions #prisonlabor

Last updated 2 years ago

Bodhi O'Shea · @Bodhioshea
183 followers · 728 posts · Server kolektiva.social

". . . Earlier this month, Rep. Tarra Simmons, D-Bremerton, a formerly incarcerated lawmaker, prefiled House Bill 1024, otherwise known as the “Real Labor, Real Wages Act,” which would require incarcerated individuals to be paid minimum wage while working.

“This really was because of my own experience of working for 42 cents an hour while I was in prison and realizing that if it’s not the incarcerated people working, the state would have to pay Teamster or union jobs to do this work,” Simmons told McClatchy.

Before becoming a lawmaker, Simmons was sentenced to 30 months in prison for theft and drug charges in 2011. Though she struggled to find housing and employment after her release, she graduated from Seattle University School of Law in 2017 with honors, eventually challenging the Washington State Bar Association after being denied to take the exam because of her record. . ."


#prisonlabor #housebill1024 #reallaborrealwagesact #tarrasimmons

Last updated 2 years ago

Bodhi O'Shea · @Bodhioshea
183 followers · 728 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"People in prison get “three hots and a cot,” right? So, what do they need money for? A lot, it turns out.

Prisons typically provide the bare minimum when it comes to food, clothes, shoes and hygiene supplies. Some states provide items such as toothpaste, soap and limited amounts of letter-writing supplies only to the “indigent,” or those who have little to no money. Other goods that many would consider necessities — deodorant, shampoo, sneakers, thermal clothes for winter — are often only available to people who can afford them.

But earning enough from a prison job is nearly impossible: The average prison wage maxes out at 52 cents per hour, according to a new ACLU analysis, and many people make pennies per hour. That means that basics, like a $3 tube of toothpaste, can take days of work to afford. If you get paid, that is. In at least six states — Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas — most prisoners aren’t paid at all for their labor.

To make up for their paltry wages, people in prison often take part in a thriving underground economy of side hustles, bartering stamps or commissary items for everything from hand-drawn greeting cards to makeshift home cooking to legal help. . . "



Last updated 2 years ago

MsLiz · @MsLiz
42 followers · 265 posts · Server mastodon.nz

My Washington Post subscription allows me to share access.. check out this gift article, at no cost to you.

Forced for little or no pay.


#prison #labor #louisiana #usa #prisonlabor #prisonlabour #pay #inmates

Last updated 2 years ago

Calico Jesse · @deinol
396 followers · 293 posts · Server dice.camp

Watched an old Noir film about prison brutality, Brute Force (1947).

Does a good job of making the prisoners sympathetic, and even makes some commentary about how prison labor undercuts good union jobs.

Never seen Hume Cronyn in such a sinister role before.

Also uses any excuse to have Burt Lancaster take his shirt off.

Brief cameo of Yvonne De Carlo.

#criterion #noir #acab #prison #prisonlabor #burtlancaster #JulesDassin #humecronyn #yvonnedecarlo #union

Last updated 2 years ago

kilombavita · @kilombavita
208 followers · 539 posts · Server rage.love