#ProudBoys' Leaders Are In BIG Trouble
#TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews
#EnriqueTarrio and #JoeBiggs were set on a #Jan6 #revolution, and prosecutors are seeking a 33-year-#prisonsentence for it.
#proudboys #tyt #theyoungturks #breakingnews #enriquetarrio #joebiggs #jan6 #revolution #prisonsentence
Felony charges brought
From storming capitol walls
Prison bars shut tight
#CapitolRiot #floridamen #prisonsentence #haiku #poetry
(18 Aug) - Justice Department seeks 33 years in prison for ex-Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio in Jan. 6 case https://www.beloitdailynews.com/news/national-news/justice-department-seeks-33-years-in-prison-for-ex-proud-boys-leader-enrique-tarrio-in/article_9e3af610-5a00-5fb4-9fa6-e1058f44c1fe.html #BeloitDailyNews #EnriqueTarrio #Jan6Case #JusticeDepartment #ProudBoys #PrisonSentence #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110910999957750590
#news #politics #prisonsentence #proudboys #justicedepartment #jan6case #enriquetarrio #beloitdailynews
Justice Department seeks 33 years in prison for ex-Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio in Jan. 6 case
#BeloitDailyNews #EnriqueTarrio #Jan6Case #JusticeDepartment #ProudBoys #PrisonSentence #Politics #News
#beloitdailynews #enriquetarrio #jan6case #justicedepartment #proudboys #prisonsentence #politics #news
A former FBI analyst was just sentenced to prison for the same Espionage Act crimes Trump is charged with in Mar-a-Lago case
#LawAndCrime #EspionageActCrimes #MarALagoCase #TrumpCharges #FBIAgentSentenced #PrisonSentence #Politics #News
#lawandcrime #espionageactcrimes #maralagocase #trumpcharges #fbiagentsentenced #prisonsentence #politics #news
Report: Trump Passed on a Plan to Avoid Criminal Charges, and Now He’s Facing Up To 400 Years in Prison
#VanityFairNews #DonaldTrump #CriminalCharges #PrisonSentence #LegalTroubles #AvoidancePlan #Politics #News
#vanityfairnews #donaldtrump #criminalcharges #prisonsentence #legaltroubles #avoidanceplan #politics #news
Haitian-Chilean man
Guilty of deadly assassination
Judged with life in prison
#haitianpresident #assassination #prisonsentence #justice #haiku #poetry
#Haitianpresident #assassination #prisonsentence #justice #haiku #poetry
Stealing in pandemic
For one million dollars, he pays
Eight hard years in jail
#covidfraud #pandemictheft #prisonsentence #haiku #poetry
#covidfraud #pandemictheft #prisonsentence #haiku #poetry
A #Black man in the #UnitedStates was found #wrongly serving a #PrisonSentence , about 35 years after he was #imprisoned following a conviction for an armed robbery, a charge he is now #exonerated from. The victim, Sidney Holmes, now 57, was arrested in October 1988.
#Exoneration #InnocentMan #WrongfulConviction #Florida #injustice #BlackAmerica #USA #JusticeDelayed #ReparationsDue #VictimOfInjustice
#black #unitedstates #wrongly #prisonsentence #imprisoned #exonerated #Exoneration #innocentman #wrongfulconviction #florida #injustice #blackamerica #usa #justicedelayed #reparationsdue #victimofinjustice
#Texas man who stormed U.S. #Capitol on #Jan6 and threatened House #Democrat on #Twitter gets 3-year #prisonsentence
#texas #capitol #jan6 #democrat #twitter #prisonsentence
The ideal circumstances for #PrivatePrisons to thrive, in a #Business sense, would be for our society to become a #CrimeInfested #HellScape where the #Penalties for any #Offense, no matter how minor, came along with a lengthy #PrisonSentence. [...] If a business is making money off of #Misery, even if you regard that business as necessary, you still shouldn't want to it be #Influencing #Politicians or holding much #Power, right? – Cody Johnston https://youtu.be/3GYT_KT9C04 #Prison #Jail #Reform
#privateprisons #business #crimeinfested #hellscape #penalties #offense #prisonsentence #misery #influencing #politicians #power #prison #jail #reform