Elvira Mujčić. Non basta la “buona condotta” per salvare il Kosovo dalla spirale di violenza https://altreconomia.it/elvira-mujcic-non-basta-la-buona-condotta-per-salvare-il-kosovo-dalla-spirale-di-violenza/ #indipendenzadelkosovo #feritiitalianikosovo #nazionalismoalbanese #conflittoneiBalcani #nazionalismoserbo #guerradeibalcani #labuonacondotta #accordodayton #elviramujicic #Intervista #pristina #Sarajevo #kosovo #serbia #kfor #NATO
#indipendenzadelkosovo #feritiitalianikosovo #nazionalismoalbanese #conflittoneibalcani #nazionalismoserbo #guerradeibalcani #labuonacondotta #accordodayton #elviramujicic #intervista #pristina #Sarajevo #Kosovo #serbia #KFOR #NATO
Serbian president orders army closer to Kosovo border as protests start in north https://www.euractiv.com/section/enlargement-neighbourhood/news/serbian-president-orders-army-closer-to-kosovo-border-as-protests-start-in-north/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Kfor #KosovoSerbia #northKosovo #Pristina #Serbia
#kfor #kosovoserbia #northkosovo #pristina #serbia
Visited #Pristina today. Made a quick stop at the #UniversityLibrary. That’s some pretty darn cool #architecture they have there! 19 years since I last saw it.
#architecture #universitylibrary #pristina
Il Montenegro non ritirerà il riconoscimento del Kosovo, dice il nuovo presidente https://euractiv.it/section/futuro-delleuropa/news/il-montenegro-non-ritirera-il-riconoscimento-del-kosovo-dice-il-nuovo-presidente/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Belgrado #kosovo #montenegro #pristina #Serbia
#serbia #pristina #Montenegro #Kosovo #Belgrado
🇽🇰🚂🚃🚃 Some nice #Prishtinë / #Priština 🇽🇰 railway station's details for you.
🇲🇰😢🚂🚃🚃 This is maybe the sadest railway station in Europe🇪🇺: #Skopje🇲🇰.
In former times there were regular train services to #Belgrade🇷🇸, #Thessaloniki🇬🇷, #Pristina🇽🇰 and even to some western European cities. Today the station building is totally worn-out and hardly any regional services are operational 😢!
#skopje #belgrade #thessaloniki #pristina
Explainer: Why Kosovo's stand-off with Serbs goes on 15 years after statehood | Reuters
„Fünfzehn Jahre nach der Unabhängigkeitserklärung des #Kosovo weigern sich 50.000 serbische Minderheiten im Norden an der Grenze zu #Serbien, staatliche Institutionen anzuerkennen, erhalten Gehälter und Leistungen aus dem serbischen Haushalt und zahlen weder an #Pristina noch an #Belgrad Steuern.“
#kosovo #serbien #pristina #belgrad
next 18 months
Hard things about the Hard things.
Friday, 2022-12-23 at 1900 hrs (UTC+3).
#SoftwareHub #Ankara #Turkiye #Turkey #AbuDhabi #Abuja #Accra #AddisAbaba #Aden #Sana #Algiers #Amman #Ashgabat #Astana #Baghdad #Cairo #Damascus #Dhaka #Doha #Islamabad #Jakarta #Kabul #Khartoum #KualaLumpur #Kuwait #Manama #Muscat #Nicosia #Pristina #Rabat #Riyadh #Sarajevo #Sukhumi #Tashkent #Tehran #Tirana #Tripoli #Tskhinvali #Tunis #Career #Future
#SoftwareHub #ankara #turkiye #turkey #abudhabi #abuja #accra #addisababa #aden #sana #algiers #amman #ashgabat #astana #baghdad #cairo #damascus #dhaka #doha #islamabad #jakarta #kabul #khartoum #kualalumpur #kuwait #manama #muscat #nicosia #pristina #rabat #riyadh #sarajevo #Sukhumi #tashkent #tehran #tirana #tripoli #tskhinvali #tunis #career #future
@kupfers With the type media masters of #laCambre, we are back from a #Brussels-#Pristina trip with the maximum #trains possible to #RedoFestival and #Manifesta. The Serbian rail network is disrupted by the building of the new silk road on rail by China, and lot of delays around the Austrian #ÖBB nighttrain #Nightjet prevent us to take a train route via #Montenegro to #Kosovo so we finished by bus, but it was so good!
"The journey from #Belgrade to #Podgorica and #Bar in Montenegro over the celebrated Belgrade to Bar railway is one of Europe's most spectacular train rides, and one of my favourites. It's a marvel of engineering, with 254 tunnels and 435 bridges on the 296-mile journey from the Serbian capital to the Adriatic. Construction of the line started in the 1950s but only completed in 1976, opened by President #Tito himself. Yet it costs only €21."
#tito #bar #Podgorica #belgrade #kosovo #montenegro #nightjet #öbb #manifesta #RedoFestival #trains #pristina #brussels #lacambre
A logo stopped in the south suburb in #Pristina. Familiar, anyone?
#upcyclingfailedbankingassets #pristina
Serbia e Kosovo: un conflitto che dura da più di 600 anni #balcani #Belgrado #kosovo #pristina #Serbia #17agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ2hpZ2xpb3R0aW5hLmluZm8vMjAyMi8wOC8wMy9zZXJiaWEta29zb3ZvLWNvbmZsaXR0by1zdG9yaWEv
#17agosto #serbia #pristina #kosovo #Belgrado #balcani
Serbia e Kosovo: un conflitto che dura da più di 600 anni #balcani #Belgrado #kosovo #pristina #Serbia #11agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ2hpZ2xpb3R0aW5hLmluZm8vMjAyMi8wOC8wMy9zZXJiaWEta29zb3ZvLWNvbmZsaXR0by1zdG9yaWEv
#11agosto #serbia #pristina #kosovo #Belgrado #balcani
Serbia e Kosovo: un conflitto che dura da più di 600 anni #balcani #Belgrado #kosovo #pristina #Serbia #7agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ2hpZ2xpb3R0aW5hLmluZm8vMjAyMi8wOC8wMy9zZXJiaWEta29zb3ZvLWNvbmZsaXR0by1zdG9yaWEv
#7agosto #serbia #pristina #kosovo #Belgrado #balcani
Serbia e Kosovo: un conflitto che dura da più di 600 anni #balcani #Belgrado #kosovo #pristina #Serbia #5agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ2hpZ2xpb3R0aW5hLmluZm8vMjAyMi8wOC8wMy9zZXJiaWEta29zb3ZvLWNvbmZsaXR0by1zdG9yaWEv
#5agosto #serbia #pristina #kosovo #Belgrado #balcani
Serbia e Kosovo: un conflitto che dura da più di 600 anni #balcani #Belgrado #kosovo #pristina #Serbia #3agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ2hpZ2xpb3R0aW5hLmluZm8vMjAyMi8wOC8wMy9zZXJiaWEta29zb3ZvLWNvbmZsaXR0by1zdG9yaWEv
#3agosto #serbia #pristina #kosovo #Belgrado #balcani
Kosovo. Scontri tra serbi e polizia. Pristina rinvia l'obbligo di documenti kosovari #kosovo #scontri #serbi #polizia #pristina #rinvia #l'obbligo #documenti #kosovari #1agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmFpbmV3cy5pdC9hcnRpY29saS8yMDIyLzA4L2tvc292by1zY29udHJpLXRyYS1zZXJiaS1lLXBvbGl6aWEtcHJpc3RpbmEtcmludmlhLWxvYmJsaWdvLWRpLWRvY3VtZW50aS1rb3NvdmFyaS0yYzFlYzFkYi0xNTFjLTRiOTAtYWY4OC1mYzFkNzI4YTEyN2YuaHRtbA==
#1agosto #kosovari #documenti #x27obbligo #l #rinvia #pristina #POLIZIA #serbi #scontri #kosovo #x27
Kosovo e Serbia a un passo dallo scontro armato - Notizioso #AlbinKurti #AleksandarVucic #GuerraSerbiaKosovo #Pristina #1agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubm90aXppb3NvLml0L2tvc292by1lLXNlcmJpYS1hLXVuLXBhc3NvLWRhbGxvLXNjb250cm8tYXJtYXRvLw==
#1agosto #pristina #GuerraSerbiaKosovo #AleksandarVucic #AlbinKurti
#Aerotelegraph - Flüge nach Deutschland und in die Schweiz: Wizz Air setzt auf Kukes – Flüge nach Basel, Karlsruhe, Memmingen und Wien - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/wizz-air-setzt-auf-kukes-fluege-nach-basel-karlsruhe-memmingen-und-wien #Flughäfen #albanien #pristina #kosovo #kukes
#Aerotelegraph #flughäfen #albanien #pristina #kosovo #kukes