Enrique Barcelli · @kikobar
100 followers · 1069 posts · Server acc4e.com

@jwildeboer I have been using S/MIME with since at least 2015.

Many of the reasons described in the forum are true, which does not mean S/MIME is impossible to fix or use.

There is native support for S/MIME in many email clients both desktop and mobile/tablet, including most of the 'stock' clients installed by default in most of the devices, so this is not an issue.

I think the big problems are basically 2:

1.- Having a throwaway key and certificate every 30 days (as we do with Letsencrypt SSL/TLS) is very inconvenient because we would need to keep a long collection of them in order access old messages.

2.- People access their email from multiple devices, so syncing the private key securely across all of them becomes a challenge.

For the tech savvy, both problems are manageable:

1.- You can get a free S/MIME certificate from valid for 1 year here:


Please read a very important reply to this post by @duxsco pointing out to the insecurity of the Actalis certificate, and providing a secure but not free alternative.

2.- You can manually add this certificate to all your devices and keep an encrypted/secure repository with all your old keys and certificates in case you need to access your archived email.

I've been doing exactly that for years and it is just fine for signing my email.

IMHO for 'fixing' the whole signing and encryption of emails, is conceptually closer to be a more consistent solution, and I use it with everyone who understands it, but I have to admit that the ecosystems is far less ready than for S/MIME (you will need to use specialised apps or installed plugins, etc.), Thunderbird being a shining exception.

PGP has several very powerful advantages:

1.- You don't need a CA for the sole purpose of generating your keys.

2.- You can use the same keys for many years.

3.- People who really trust each other can sign each other's keys creating a web-of-trust.

4.- There is a free network of keyservers where you can upload your public keys and make them available to everyone.

5.- Most people these days have their own website, blog or social media account where they can publish their public keys for cases when they distrust the public servers. They can manually exchange them too.

In the long run I believe we should promote the adoption of OpenPGP instead of S/MIME, with more people using it, native support should follow.

I am not an expert though, so I'd love to hear from others too. 😊

#thunderbird #letsencrypt #actalis #openpgp #pgp #gpg #privacidadebemboa

Last updated 2 years ago

Enrique Barcelli · @kikobar
99 followers · 1028 posts · Server acc4e.com

@dani da uma oliada...


Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Santos · @dani
52 followers · 523 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Hash: SHA256

então já temos maneira de verificar e assinar toots! Com a extensão de navegador de internet Mailvelope!
um dia ainda faço um vídeo sobre como assinar toots e criar uma chave própria para toots (tive alguns obstáculos). :-)




Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Santos · @dani
52 followers · 523 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz


Hash: SHA256

Testa para ver se consegues verificar a minha assinatura.
Criei esta chave própria para o Mathstodon. Está no keyserver da Ubuntu, e é a segunda chaves que encontras: 0xA68FDDD32C491BFA .
Se funcionar o Mailvelope chega para verificar e assinar toots...
Com ele já consegui verificar a assinatura do teu toot, só falta agora assinar este toot (e verificá-lo).




Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Santos · @dani
52 followers · 523 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

With the username out of the signed message, it works!


Last updated 2 years ago

Enrique Barcelli · @kikobar
97 followers · 990 posts · Server acc4e.com

@stephan also have been discussing with @dani at a way of introducing PGP signing of the posts, which can play some role in the spam bots war that we are going to face soon.


Last updated 2 years ago

Enrique Barcelli · @kikobar
97 followers · 978 posts · Server acc4e.com

Hash: SHA1

@anildash you are absolutely right, on one hand and have their shortcomings, but those are not reasons to create a new thing, they are reasons to contribute and improve them.

On the other hand, not being censorship resistant or not having incentives to run servers are not in the list of shortcomings:

- - ActivityPub and Mastodon are censor resistant - we can build as many servers as we want in as many geographies as we want, so nobody can silence us. What we have is moderation and blocking, which is not 'silencing' anyone, but choosing who we want to listen to.

- - Of course there are incentives to run servers, according to , there are 21941 active servers in the Fediverse as I write this message. This more than proves that there are incentives to do it.

One of the missing features in Mastodon (that we could copy from and ) is the support for cryptographic signing and validation of the messages, so we can know beyond any doubt if a message comes from the author and has not been alter on its way, but we don't even need to modify the ActivityPub protocol to implement that, because any piece of text can be signed, as I've signed this message as an example. We only need some code at the application level to validate the signature and beautify the rendering of the message to remove the ugly GPG tags and crypto gibberish. :)



#activitypub #mastodon #fediverseobserver #nostr #ssb #pgp #gpg #openpgp #privacidadebemboa

Last updated 2 years ago

Enrique Barcelli · @kikobar
97 followers · 978 posts · Server acc4e.com

Hash: SHA1

Eu acho que criptografar mensagens em um micro-blog não faz muito sentido, mas assinar as mensagens para ter certeza de quem é o autor e evitar mensagens falsas ou alteradas faz.

O que você acha dessa forma de mensagem assinada com o OpenPGP?

Qualquer pessoa pode verificar a assinatura por si mesma. :)



#privacidadebemboa #openpgp #pgp #gpg #privacy

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Santos · @dani
52 followers · 523 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Nós avisamos no hashtag quando tivermos uma data para o evento online 😉


Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Santos · @dani
52 followers · 523 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

PGP, é um programa de encriptação, com a melhor tecnologia de encriptação para civis (os militares talvez tenham a sua própria tecnologia).

Neste evento online, vamos falar sobre PGP e como usar esta tecnologia nos teus ficheiros e no teu email. E muitas mais coisas do PGP, como identidade descentralizada, verificação e assinatura chaves de identidade, assinar digitalmente documentos e emails, rede de confiança (web of trust), etc.

Tudo isto pode ser feito, usando o criptosistema PGP ou o criptosistema GnuPG (os dois programas são equivalentes).

#gpg #pgp #privacidadebemboa

Last updated 2 years ago

Enrique Barcelli · @kikobar
97 followers · 978 posts · Server acc4e.com

Um dos melhores guias que encontrei na internet da seguranca e privacidade.

Um enfoque pragmatico e simple:


#privacidadebemboa #privacy #pgp #gpg #tails #Tor

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Santos · @dani
47 followers · 472 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

O melhor livro de introdução à criptografia que encontro na Internet -> archive.org/details/pgp-70-int 📕

Ensina bem todos os conceitos de criptografia e PGP. Aprendendo PGP, aprende-se tudo sobre criptografia 🔑 É um ótimo livro!! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐


Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Santos · @dani
47 followers · 471 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Um novo começo 🥳 Este é o hashtag escolhido para o projeto de evento de criptografia online de Portugal 😎 As nossas discussões vão ser aqui, no Fediverso 🐘


Last updated 2 years ago