Tengo instalado #PrivacyBadger como extension en el navegador #Firefox, y me ha detectado que Facebook rastrea la actividad en #Mastodon.
O sea, que aunque no seamos usuarios de Facebook, parece que espía igualmente nuestra actividad en esta red.
#privacybadger #firefox #mastodon
@ItziPerkins Uso #Firefox. No sé si las extensiones que te voy a recomendar funcionan con otro navegador (puede que sí, pero no sé). Para evitar ser rastreado uso #PrivacyBadger y para evitar la publicidad #uBlockOrigin, y las ventanas avisando de cookies no me aparecen, y las que te piden el consentimiento tampoco (uno de los dos se encarga de marcar automanticamente todas las opciones como "rechazado". Es tan rápido que no ves ni la ventana).
En Youtube a veces sí sale la ventana del consentimiento a pese a todo (no siempre), pero es sólo una casilla la que hay que marcar manualmenter para decir "rechazar todas" y listo.
Para Youtube también puedes por usar "Invidious" que es un front end libre federado a través del cual se puede acceder al contenido de Youtube, aunque algunos no te deja verlos sin descargar el video.
Pero prueba #PrivacyBadger y #uBlockOrigin. Notarás la diferencia (y mira también por nternet cómo configurarlas, aunque no es difícil).
#firefox #privacybadger #ublockorigin
Un bon basique : #Firefox + #UblockOrigin + #PrivacyBadger
#firefox #ublockorigin #privacybadger
The Walmart website no longer lets me in unless I sign in. Deleted cookies, no change. Used Tor, totally blocked. Went back to Firefox and started troubleshooting. Turns out it's Privacy Badger. This is the first site that I've found broken by #PrivacyBadger, unusable without logging in.
I installed the Privacy Badger browser extension from the EFF and compared cnn.com and lite.cnn.com. Privacy Badger found 46 trackers on cnn.com and 0 trackers on lite.cnn.com. lite.cnn.com is a text only web page from CNN. It is far less jarring to look at, even if the news is still just as jarring.
I have ticked the setting in my browser for "do not follow" and since sites ignore that, I feel justified in blocking their trackers. Sadly for them, this means I don't get to see the ads. I actually wouldn't mind ads if they would hold still and not track me. The news won't pay for itself, right?
#eff #privacybadger #privacy #adblock
I find it funny that my #pihole is blocking requests to a #ghostery domain (Ghostery being a tracker blocker extension itself).
I've just disabled it, I have #ublock and #privacybadger (and pihole) so I'm probably OK.
#pihole #ghostery #ublock #privacybadger
I love how the introduction of #Threads app says it’s standalone. It’s #Instagram. But I was just trying to peek at https://threads.net and imagine my surprise when #uBlock and #PrivacyBadger lit up with #Facebook and #Meta crap. The page won’t even display.
Yeah. No. Never. Blocking ASAP.
#threads #instagram #ublock #privacybadger #facebook #meta
People going “if #meta gets on #mastodon and joins the #fediverse it will be able to track us!” don’t worry about that! Meta/Facebook is already tracking you through the embedded scripts it has on all the popular websites you probably use.
Here’s what you can do about it.
First, use the #EFF #privacybadger browser extension on whatever browser you have (use Firefox because Chrome or Chrome-based browsers will nuke adblocking stuff soon). 1/2
#meta #mastodon #fediverse #eff #privacybadger
another reason to always recommend a specific, honest ad blocker or privacy tool instead of just "an ad blocker"
Most of the ad blockers that people will find in a search are part of a paid allow-listing program that allows stuff like this:
#privacybadger #postroeprivacy
Seule vraie solution, un #oslibre type #gnulinux (ex: #trisquellinux ) et des #logicielslibres (UNIQUEMENT #libre) sur un pc équipé de #Libreboot
Et utiliser des #webservices respectueux de la #vieprivee (en plus des #gafam il y en a d'autres)
Et sur votre #webbrowser préféré (#firefox pour moi ou #abrowser sur #trisquel) j'ai ajouté #privacybadger et #ublockorigin
Reste à trouver un #librephone digne de ce nom.
#oslibre #gnulinux #trisquellinux #logicielslibres #libre #libreboot #webservices #vieprivee #gafam #webbrowser #firefox #abrowser #trisquel #privacybadger #ublockorigin #librephone
I read the linked article, then clicked my #PrivacyBadger extension to see what YOUR site is doing. Sure enough, on your own site is a Facebook tracker. Which, thanks to the #EFF and their free tool, was blocked.
@makeITsocial Der Mehrwert von #PrivacyBadger ist quasi Null, wenn bereits #uBlockOrigin genutzt wird. Außerdem ist die selbstständige Erkennung von Trackern beim Browsen schon seit Jahren deaktiviert.
Interesting. I wonder how I could access the website without IPv4 and without IPv6. Source: https://www.wireshark.org/tools/v46status.html
After briefly opening DevTools, the "problem" can be easily determined. To test connectivity, the page loads images from ipv4.google.com and ipv6.google.com. However, this blocks Privacy Badger for me.
#ipv6 #ipv4 #networking #fail #privacybadger #wireshark
Hmm. Do I need #uBlock Origin, #PrivacyBadger, *and* #JShelter in #Firefox? I'm guessing I can probably dump Privacy Badger? EFF says it's still useful even with FF's tracking protection set to "strict", but what value is it actually adding?
#ublock #privacybadger #JShelter #firefox
Merci, je ne m'étais jamais arrêté sur #PrivacyBadger et ça complète bien #ublockorigin . Hop, installé du coup 😁 .
Récemment, je me suis retrouvé sur une machine n'ayant pas ce type d'extension. J'ai halluciné tellement la #pub est envahissante quand elle est présente (même si ce n'est qu'une partie du problème)...
#privacybadger #ublockorigin #pub
À ce niveau-là, c'est plus une histoire de 3 ou 4 pauvres cookies qu'on accepte ou qu'on refuse (mais je n'ai pas eu la fenêtre de consentement, d'ailleurs, tiens…), c'est une véritable industrie du pillage organisé de #DonnéesPersonnelles déguisée en pseudo site « d'infos ».
Quand on est un peu informé de tout ça, qu'on a son #uBlockOrigin + #PrivacyBadger + #PiHole bien en place, je me rends compte qu'on a tendance à oublier ce que doivent supporter, endurer la plupart des personnes !
#donneespersonnelles #ublockorigin #privacybadger #pihole
Today in #SurveillanceCapitalism, here are all the trackers that #PrivacyBadger blocked on the Coles Group online shopping website 😯 (big ups, @eff)
What have you found during #PrivacyWeek #PAW2023? #privacy
Get Privacy Badger at:
Privacy Badger blocked 16 potential trackers on www.coles.com.au:
#surveillancecapitalism #privacybadger #privacyweek #paw2023 #privacy
The #EU #cookie policy is just ridiculous. I wonder if ANY website deploying the tracking madness properly stops doing so when told to. And I wonder if failure to implement it properly was sanctioned ever.
Here's another random example _AFTER_ clicking on "deny all".
A huge thank you to @eff for #privacybadger https://privacybadger.org/
(thank you for reading, I just need to get this off my chest once in while. And yes, I did donate)
Ok this is the coolest thing ever. I’m in the US running Firefox and everytime I visit stackoverflow.com I get the cookie popup …. until now - after installing the Consent-O-Matic extension. Open source by folks at a University in Denmark.
My new recommendations: use #firefox as your browser and install #UblockOrigin #PrivacyBadger and #ConsentOMatic 👍👍 https://techhub.social/@dsoft/110107030226950428
#firefox #ublockorigin #privacybadger #consentomatic
Meanwhile, in the annals of #TwitterAlternatives #postnews https://post.news/ has now upped its surveillance infrastructure so that I CAN'T sign in without disabling tracking protection (#Firefox, #UBlockOrigin, #PrivacyBadger). The new #spoutible forces you to hand over a cell phone number. Wish more people were coming here and the #Fediverse could do more to reduce #friction to ease use - #surveillancecapitalism is winning...
#surveillancecapitalism #friction #Fediverse #spoutible #privacybadger #ublockorigin #Firefox #postnews #twitteralternatives