🚨 Privacy Alarm 🚨: Enigmatic Yearn Finance contributor Banteg is back in the spotlight after leaking a repository on GitHub. Sensitive data of over 101k friend.tech users exposed, including addresses & Twitter handles. Questions arise about user consent and data protection. #PrivacyBreach #Crypto #Web3 #FriendTech #Coinbase #X
#privacybreach #crypto #web3 #friendtech #coinbase #x
Thanks to a #PrivacyBreach, #Facebook May Owe You Some Money—But You Have Just a Week Left to Collect
We shared your private info with Meta & Snapchat without your consent (keep in mind, we’re a mental health privider).
But don’t worry, we’ve stopped (all it took was a gov’t agency coming after us).
And we’ll tell Meta to delete it.
Don’t worry. They’ll definitely comply 🤣
.. #betterhelp #privacybreach #pridecounsellling #privacy #meta ..
#meta #privacy #pridecounsellling #privacybreach #betterhelp
Another unlawfull GDPR data usage by a US company hired by the city of London.
If you received one, you know what to do. Contact your local DPO and report it. You might also want to contact your local and national legislators to complain.
>Belgium and Dutch vehicle licensing agency say citizens’ details obtained unlawfully to issue driving fines
#gdpr #dsvgo #eu #uk #privacybreach #privacy
#privacybreach #datenschutzverstoß #biometrischeDaten #identitytheft 1 Million Fingerabdrücke, unverschlüsselte Passwörter, „unresponsiv“
#privacybreach #datenschutzverstoĂź #biometrischedaten #identitytheft
Ontario city 'regrets' exposing hundreds of voter identities in email privacy breach https://bit.ly/3Vtax7O #HamOnt #PrivacyBreach #MunicipalElections #onpoli
#hamont #privacybreach #municipalelections #onpoli
Zucker-Bucks #Facebook is paying $397 to a million people over disturbing #privacybreach – check if you’re affected
Placing it on record here that neither @RBI nor @NPCI_NPCI did *ANYTHING* over @MobiKwik #Databreach - despite warning about #BBPS #Privacybreach for 2 full years. But please keep building narratives, stay blessed, have growth.
Hijacking #DataProtection for profit!!
RT @bgmahesh
“RBI feels the issue of data security involving foreign entities remains a key concern and, therefore, has decided to not go ahead with the new licences for …
#databreach #BBPS #privacybreach #dataprotection
Google Accidentally Shared Private Videos of Some Users With Others https://thehackernews.com/2020/02/google-photos-videos.html #googlephotosapp #cybersecurity #GoogleTakeout #PrivacyBreach #Vulnerability
#vulnerability #googlephotosapp #googletakeout #privacybreach
How to Clear Data Facebook Collects About You from Other Sites and Apps https://thehackernews.com/2020/01/off-facebook-activity-data.html #Facebookprivacysetting #Off-FacebookActivity #Facebooksecurity #Facebookprivacy #privacysoftware #PrivacyBreach #dataprivacy #Facebook
#Facebookprivacysetting #off #facebookprivacy #privacysoftware #privacybreach #dataprivacy #facebook #Facebooksecurity
Xiaomi Cameras Connected to Google Nest Expose Video Feeds From Others https://thehackernews.com/2020/01/google-nest-xiaomi-camera.html #hackingsmartdevice #smarthomeassistant #cybersecurity #PrivacyBreach #GoogleNest #smarthome #IPCamera #Privacy #Google #Xiaomi
#hackingsmartdevice #google #privacy #smarthomeassistant #privacybreach #googlenest #ipcamera #xiaomi
Malicious Android SDKs Caught Accessing Facebook and Twitter Users Data https://thehackernews.com/2019/11/sdk-twitter-facebook-android.html #datacollection #cybersecurity #PrivacyBreach #hackingnews #Facebook #Android #Privacy #Twitter
#facebook #android #privacy #twitter #privacybreach #hackingnews #datacollection #cybersecurity
Is Facebook Secretly Accessing Your iPhone's Camera? Some Users Claimed https://thehackernews.com/2019/11/facebook-ios-camera.html #Facebooksecurity #Facebookprivacy #cybersecurity #PrivacyBreach #FacebookApps #iOScameraapp #softwarebug #camerahack #Facebook
#Facebooksecurity #facebookprivacy #cybersecurity #privacybreach #facebookapps #iOScameraapp #softwarebug #camerahack #facebook